This sport isn't all fun and games all of the time. A lot of the practicing that takes place to master the craft of skateboarding becomes very dangerous as the skills continue to rise to the next level. Simple places like a neighborhood are an example of the fact that there is more that meets the eye. An average person would look at a steep-sloped street as just a road with cars driving on it in the neighborhood, but the skateboarders see it was a really nice ramp to skate down with the dangers of cars to evade as they make their way to the bottom. It doesn't always work as we skateboarders expect it to. There was once a similar accident that scared the "living daylights" out of a mom to the point that she wanted to stop her own son from skating.
Although more and more injuries are happening regarding skateboarding each year due to the lack of safety gear, it's still an enjoyable sport once people get the hang of it! Like I've said before, it takes much, much, much practice, but the reward of landing tricks will have a person smiling for days! It teaches discipline, commitment, and gives all kinds of people a way to get up and get out of the house. Another benefit is being able to enjoy a hobby that doesn't put a hurting on your pocket. Skateboarding comes off as a totally negative sport, when in reality, it has helped people through much in their lives and keeps a smile on their faces. Plus, it keeps people fit, because of the extreme physical toll it has on people.
Skateboarding is a sport that has lived and thrived through the test of time. It's definitely dangerous. Yet, it's definitely fun as well. I suggest everyone to try it. So, grab a board, and just...Kick...Push...Coast...
I think all sports have a possibility to have a person getting injured. It is just a matter of what safety precautions, are taken during the participation of the sport. I know that there are kids, teenagers, and even adults skateboarding all over the roads in subdivisions, parks, and just anywhere they can enjoy skateboarding. But if they use a helmet they could take off a huge possibility of getting hurt severely. I also agree with you that skateboarding is not negative. There are other sports that require much more physicality that result in injuries. For example you have soccer, where the only protection required is shin guards. I know from personal experience that sometimes you get hurt when you least expect it to happen. You also have sports like football, where they use a whole bunch of pads and helmets for protection yet you always see on television that some player got hurt, concussion, or even break a bone. Skateboarding has its risk just like any other sport for someone to get hurt. The reason, why so many parents believe it is so dangerous, is that skateboarding has become really popular, thus making it the activity that most kids are picking up at such a young age. Therefore when their kids go out and get hurt they blame skateboarding as the negative activity. When in reality all sports not done properly, could have dangerous results.