Saving the planet is not based on buying the more expensive products that claim to be eco-friendly. The little things we do on a daily basis all add up to a bigger problem. A fact from the Environmental Protection Agency found that around eightty percent of American's "garbage" is recyclable. This is simply not acceptable. I recycle at my home. I understand what it takes to keep up recycling. It does not take much time or aggravation to do so. There are places to recycle in just about every city. Even if you do not want to take your own recycling, in some cities they provide a curbside recycling which is similar to that of picking up garbage. You simply leave a binon your curb along side your garbage and it is picked up straight from your home. For more information on how to make this possible and check your cities' availability, click on this link http://www.therecyclingcenter.info/recyclefromhome.html. Another wayto get rid of unecessary waste in your trash is to sort it for what can naturally decompose. A easy way to take care of your decomposable trash is a compost. Making a compost is very simple and easy to maintain, steps to making a compost are easy to follow. Everyone is capable of making their own compost.By taking these few little steps our world could be better off and face it. you know you would feel better knowing you are doing a good thing for the environment.