When I went to the Grand Cayman Islands and Cozumel I did a little too much drinking. This was new to me cause I had never drunk before and some of my friends that went hadn’t either. Some of my friends went a little crazy. They had gone crazy with alcohol because they could drink and not be put punished for it. Here in the United States it is illegal for some one under the age of twenty-one but articles such as “Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered?” say that more and more teens are being put in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meeting than ever and even more under age people are driving under the influence. In the army you can join at the age of eighteen so why can’t I drink. The way I see it if I am able to go over seas and die for my country I should be able to throw a few back when I want to.This is shown in the article "15 reasons why the drinking age should be 18". The law says that people under the age of twenty-one should not drink then why are there more and more college students dinking and why haven’t the police and government cracked down on this? Maybe instead of trying to stop us they should do the opposite they should teach us how to be smart about how we consume alcohol. Like Ruth C. Engs a professor at Indiana University suggested the government do.