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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?

When I went to the Grand Cayman Islands and Cozumel I did a little too much drinking. This was new to me cause I had never drunk before and some of my friends that went hadn’t either. Some of my friends went a little crazy. They had gone crazy with alcohol because they could drink and not be put punished for it. Here in the United States it is illegal for some one under the age of twenty-one but articles such as “Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered?” say that more and more teens are being put in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meeting than ever and even more under age people are driving under the influence. In the army you can join at the age of eighteen so why can’t I drink. The way I see it if I am able to go over seas and die for my country I should be able to throw a few back when I want to.This is shown in the article "15 reasons why the drinking age should be 18". The law says that people under the age of twenty-one should not drink then why are there more and more college students dinking and why haven’t the police and government cracked down on this? Maybe instead of trying to stop us they should do the opposite they should teach us how to be smart about how we consume alcohol. Like Ruth C. Engs a professor at Indiana University suggested the government do.

The Miami Heat, Contenders or Pretenders?

There is a new mindset in Miami and that mindset is to never lose. If you dropped almost 50 milllion dollars for just three players annual salary, you would expect to win too. In the 2010 NBA offseason the Miami Heat aquired two more superstars to add their roster. These two stars include Chris Bosh, formally of the Toronto Raptors,  and, potentially the best player of all time, LeBron James. These two will team up with Dwayne Wade to run through the 2010 regular season with ease and win the NBA Championship, or so people would say? These three players are all superstars in their own respects, and have known nothing in their NBA tenyer, but to carry their teams on their backs. Each one of these players scored all of the points on their former teams and where never told to take a "back seat" in a game. Now they are all on the same team, which means two of the three will no longer be at this superstar status. A championship team always consists of two types of player, a superstar and a bunch of role players that just help the superstar win the game for them. The question is can these former superstars embrace this role player status or will this whole season for the Heat go down the drain? The Heat are to big, they have too many assperations, and their dreams are out of reach. These players will play well together for a couple of games, but then they will start to get greedy. Each one of them feels as though they have the right to be the superstar, which cooks up a recipe for disaster for the Heat. The Heat have all the talent iin the world, but they have no team and it takes a TEAM to win an NBA championship. it murder?

Euthanasia is the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy. It's really like actually taking the life of someone who is extremely ill and in pain. There are different types of euthanasia such as, voluntary, involuntary, non-voluntary, active and passive. Active euthanasia is often called "mercy killing" because you are literally killing someone when there are others ways to relieve the pain that there in. There have been many advances in pain management such as, hospices and palliative care. It is usually considered a criminal homicide but voluntary and passive are non-criminal. It's just non-ethical to kill someone when there are other ways to keep them alive. It also goes against the doctor's hippocratic oath which every doctor must sign. It's just like a murder because someone else is doing it, you're not actually committing suicide yourself. It lets doctors and families just give up on the patient's recovery much too early, what if the very next day someone found a cure for their illness? I just feel that euthanasia is morally wrong and should be illegal.


There are 39 million women abused by their partners. According to the states that every nine seconds a woman is abused by her husband. That is a terrible thing, I think a man should never hit a woman. Men who hit women are cowards, I feel they men hit on women simply because they know they are bigger and stronger and the woman has let them think that they can rule them. Domestic Violence and Abuse is used for one and only one purpose and that is to gain total control over a person. Those who are abuser use the fear, low- self esteem that the person they are abusing to keep them down and make them feel worthless and that no one else wants them. I think Domestic Violence should become a felony. Maybe if it was a felony guys would think about what they are doing a stop. Only about half of domestic violence incidents are reported to police. African- american women are more than likely to report than any others says Lawarence A. Greenfield Violence By Intimates: Analysis of Data on Crimes. As a young woman myself I understand that those who are in a abusive relationship they need to help themselves also, no one can help you if you can't help youself. Women need to think about if you have children who know that you are being abused fight to get out of that realationship, because you don't want your son/daughter to be a abuser or be in a abusive relationship. Abuse is a cycle that either the abuser has had this happen to or knows someone very close who was abused or was the abuser and they pick up the traits.If you think someone you know is in a abusive relationship look for these Signs control over everything he/she does, excessive calling or check ups. Domestic Violence is like a Disease and WE NEED TO HELP STOP IT! Lets lower the number of women being abused. To learn more about Domestic Violence and, Statistics on domestic violence click on these links.