In my last posting, I talked about how media has an effect on young girls and women’s self esteem. People agreed with my argument towards the media that’s “Pictures Do Lie”. And some stated that the media wasn’t the cause for low self esteem. Yes, there are beautiful people in the world, but the media has defined what beauty is. The media has brain washed into thinking that there are standards for someone to be considered beautiful. They include being young, tall, thin, straight hair, flawless skin, light eyes, and pearly white teeth. Having low self esteem is the effect of the media putting these false pictures on display ,but having low self esteem has its effects also. When people are exposed to perfect bodies they tend to criticize their own bodies by pointing out what different from theirs. People who don’t like a specific part of their body wants to change it any means necessary. That’s why this blog is about how media and their false pictures have an effect on people wanting plastic surgery.

So when young girl self esteem’s are effected by the exposure to false media they try to find ways to become like their favorite celebrities or who they saw in the media. If the girl or woman is able to afford it ,then plastic surgery could become a big option.? American Academy of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) members performed 8.3 million surgical and non-surgical procedures. This amount is 300% more then the number of procedures in 1997. Plastic surgery has become a big part of media with shows like Nip Tuck and The Swan showing individual going through their plastic surgery procedures. It portrays everyone as happy after the change and how it made them a better person ,but what happened to being happy with the body GOD gave you. Magazines have articles on who has gotten the latest plastic surgery procedures and how much prettier they are afterwards. What is this telling everyday women and young girls

On a episode of Dr. 90210, a women coming in to get her consultation for get procedure showed him pictures out of an magazine where she copied a pasted different celebrity body part to make her perfect body. Gabby Atkinson stated in her article The ‘Face’ of Perfection that “…as this image has gradually become based on perfection and superficiality, the lives of our generation have become wasted from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa (both emotional disorders rising along with the image) and plastic surgery fads.” Most people don’t know that most images are digitally corrected and they begin to make goals towards their new bodies based on these images. “A study conducted in 1996 found that the amount of time a child watches soaps, movies, and music videos actually effects their perception of their body and their desire to be thin.” (Atkinson) Plastic surgeons depend on the media to get the importance of plastic surgery out there.

False images of the women bodies causes more girls to put pressure on their body and more pressure to be a life size Barbie doll and this causes extra pressure to get plastic surgery. Why should plastic surgery be an option for happiness. Happiness comes from within, not from changing your outer appearance.