There were many fair, argumentative, key points made in the response to my blog. Overall, the argument was, "Would this sport be as dangerous if everyone wore the proper protective gear?". My answer? Yes, skateboarding is still a very dangerous sport. Regardless of the amount of protective gear, skaters are still able to fall in the wrong position and/or injure parts of their body that aren't covered. The reader stated that the careless injuries that I mentioned in my first blog could be avoided by having more skateboarders wear protective gear. Though, the truth is that many of us are not willing to do that. According to a retrospective study done by a district hospital in the UK, the distal radius was the most common fractured bone and most skateboarding-related injuries happened during the summer. They also found that out of 50 patients, most of them were males under the age of 15. The results explain how the protective gear takes away from the "dare devil" aspect of skateboarding.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Skateboarders = Dangerous Athletes
There were many fair, argumentative, key points made in the response to my blog. Overall, the argument was, "Would this sport be as dangerous if everyone wore the proper protective gear?". My answer? Yes, skateboarding is still a very dangerous sport. Regardless of the amount of protective gear, skaters are still able to fall in the wrong position and/or injure parts of their body that aren't covered. The reader stated that the careless injuries that I mentioned in my first blog could be avoided by having more skateboarders wear protective gear. Though, the truth is that many of us are not willing to do that. According to a retrospective study done by a district hospital in the UK, the distal radius was the most common fractured bone and most skateboarding-related injuries happened during the summer. They also found that out of 50 patients, most of them were males under the age of 15. The results explain how the protective gear takes away from the "dare devil" aspect of skateboarding.
Feminists Are All Lesbian Man-haters That Yell About Nonsense, Right?
While the classic jokes about female drivers and blondes and big girls and tomboys may be told in plain good fun, I feel they promote an injustice against women. I think that women should reject the stereotypes our culture tries to squeeze us into so that we can rise to our full potential. So here is where my overall rage lays. Women continue putting up with a set of jokes and stereotypes that they don’t want to laugh along with. The jokes are purely sexist, totally cliché and simply not funny. And we put up with them because if we don’t laugh along, we automatically become humorless lesbians or man-hating feminists.
The fact is that discrimination is illegal and awareness is rising. This is not a country in which women are legally prohibited from voting any more, or not permitted from having certain jobs. We just use the media to show that some aspect of life shouldn’t be considered ordinary for women. We do not have endemic discrimination, we merely have localized sexist humor, a slight employment bias, and a drop bigotry now and then.
Animal Cruelty: Furs

I personally feel that animal slaughter is justified by the fact that humans feel superior to other animals, because we are "intelligent". And if animals cannot speak up for themselves, there is nothing wrong with doing away with them for our own benefit.
Animals are suffering an injustice daily due to slaughter, for such an egotistical reason. Is a fur coat that could easily be replaced with a high-quality material that is warmer than fur worth all this torture?
3D Rules the World!

Babies Having Babies

Nationally, nearly one million young women under age 20 become pregnant each year. That means close to 2800 teens get pregnant each day.( Facts in Brief: Teen Sex and Pregnancy, The Alan Guttmacher Institute, New York, 1996). The standard statistics for how many babies born every minute in the U.S. is roughly at eight babies a minute. Out of every eight babies born in that minute six belong to women of the age 20 and under.
Homeward Bound: Journey from Afghanistan

The controversy first came to light after one of the five murder suspects, Adam Winfield, reported the incidents to authorities. According to Winfield, as recounted by David Griffin of CNN in the article entitled Army may have known in February about Afghan murder, the murders committed had been premeditated and were even bragged about after the fact. Griffin’s article also provides a video of Winfield’s Army interrogation in which he communicates the happenings of the murders to the interrogating officer. Since then, there has been increased media coverage on the topic and hearings to determine whether the suspects will go to trial have begun.
Jeremy Morlock is the first of the murder suspects to have had a hearing. In Hearing begins in alleged plot to murder Afghans, an article by the associated press, the proceedings of Morlock’s hearing are chronicled. The associated press puts forth more information about the case in statements that “members of the platoon mutilated Afghan corpses and even collected fingers and other body parts, and that some posed for photos with Afghan corpses.” This being said, how could Americans continue to support this war.
As Americans we trust our military to protect us from foreign threats, and build strong ties with others. We do not expect to be that foreign threat, that malicious entity that commits war crimes against innocent individuals. If war crimes like those stated previously are taking place at a time when we expect our troops to be helping Afghan civilians, then how can we continue to support the idea of soldiers remaining in Afghanistan. There is a line in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Night which reads, "Either you die the hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” Americans don’t want to be the villain of the world; therefore, support for the war in Afghanistan is waning. it murder? Part 2

Competition Among Citizens and Illegal Immigrants
Illegal Immigration is an issue where people have opposite opinions. Some people are lenient to the issue and some strongly opposes. People that are lenient wound say illegal immigrants have not done anything to bother them, so why worry about them? Well there are issues in politics that has to be answered. Last week I talked about issues with illegal immigrants in the workforce. In an article from I found something interesting. There is a demographic reason for anti-immigration, according to Illegal immigrants have started chasing jobs in other states than California, New York, and Texas. The population of illegal immigrants in those states has decreased, but this is not a good change in my opinion. The in-immigrants that left have populated other areas of the U.S., and this has caused competition with citizens in other areas.
Not only is illegal immigration a problem with jobs, there is a rising issues with healthcare. Illegal immigrants have brought diseases into the United States. Tuberculosis, leprosy, and typhoid are just to name a few. Tuberculosis was a disease that was under control in the U.S., but has become readily evident around the border, according to This is a problem that could be prevented if illegal immigrants came through examination upon becoming illegal.
Bringing diseases into the U.S. is not the only issue with health care. Should benefits be handed to illegal immigrants? The health care bill recently passed by the house of representatives has propsed providing health care for illegal immigrants. According to, all illegal immigrant women who do not have private health insurance and who give birth inside the United States will have the full cost of childbirth paid by the U.S. taxpayers. Should U.S. citizens have to pay taxes in order to provide health care for illegal aliens? There has been steps to turn this around. states, “The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston is considering denying cancer care to such immigrants.” When it comes to children that are illegal immigrants, there is no slack also. According to, the effort to add illegal immigration children to the State Children’s Health Insurance was blocked in the senate. Is this too far? This could be prevented if illegal immigrants become illegal, so they can purchase health insurance for adults and their children.
Facebook Takeover

As of July 2010 facebook was known to be the largest social network in the country as said in The New York Times. It was also said that it had grown to a large estate about doubling the amount of users since 2009 as well as pushing all of its competition aside. This website was sought out to be for more than just the adolescent mind frame but also for the more mature as well. Facebook beats out all countries and their attempted competing tactics. Zuckerburg has instilled his network to be in 70 different languages and about 70% of his users are located outside of the United States and with the help of 300,00 of his users using his translation application that is how these languages came upon to be used for other that come along this site. He has also complied with more than 1 million developers and entrepreneurs from 180 different countries as said again in the Facebook Press Room. Its seeming as if everyone from everywhere is getting involved in this facebook movement and if this isn't a takeover than what is?
The Middle Class Act; Has the American Dream Become A Nightmare?

It is true that America's economic downturn has a major negative effect on the middle-class lifestyle as stated in my first post, but some if not most of the turmoil can be blamed on their own personal financial choices. If a person was making at least $70000 a year for the last 5 or 10 years and was laid off last month, then why are they barely able to buy food next month? Did they not save any of their money? Did they need that huge house payment or new Tahoe? Why didn't they listen to the financial experts who say to save enough money for at least 6 months worth of living expenses?
In Dr. Phil's "Living Beyond Your Means" episode, he tells a financially strapped couple that, "The hardest thing to do is to admit that what you're doing is not working and be willing to change it." That's a major part of the problem. Most of these people are not willing to admit that they can't afford this lifestyle, which for the most part was an act to begin with. They don't want to give up anything.
Getting on a budget and living within your means will help to solve many of the financial problems facing the middle-class. To some this may be easier said than done, but if you put the well-being of your family and/or marriage first, the desire to achieve this common sense approach will become much more clearer and attainable. Nobody wants to see their kids hungry or having to sleep on someone else's floor. This thought alone should make most people spend their money wisely.
Laptops: Not Good For Laps?

Also, I'd like to mention the fact that a warning is printed in the user manuals of the major laptop manufacturers. These manufacturers include Apple, Hewelett Packard (also known as hp), and Dell, and all of the companies supposedly have a warning that appears in their user manuals against the habit of placing laptops on their laps or exposed skin for extended periods of time because of the risk of burns.
The signs are obvious and, with the increase in the use of laptops recently, the potential for laptops to further increase our risk of cancer in the future is rather eminent. Also, the major manufacturers have made provisions to cover theirbacksides on this issue, therefore, I hope all of you will invest in "lap desk" for your laptop or just choose a regular desk to work on, but, if you don't, you might be paying for cancer treatment in the near future! Or, at least, you might have a permanent discoloration in your skin.
Should Gay Marriage Be Acceptable?

1)If homosexual couples aren’t Christians is it okay for them to get married since they don’t have the same beliefs as Christians?
2) Why do we have freedom of religion if we just want everyone to conform to what we believe.
3)Yes, the constitution states that marriage is between a man and a woman , but are the people allowed to change the constitution?
To answer these questions, I'll simply state that if homosexuals are or aren't Christians, it isn't up to us individuals to judge their sexual preference. What they choose to do is simply up to them. Humans may believe that being gay and married is sinful, but the couple may not view our beliefs the same. As citizens of our nation, we do have a right to express freedom of religion. Personally, sexual preferences does not bother me. If someone was gay, I wouldnt bother them or try to comform them into what I believe- that's their religion, their freedom.

Also, as I mentioned on my prior post, yes, our people are allowed to change the constitution. Well, due to the fact that it has been changed 27 times already (only 17 recorded changes). We change, or alter the constitutin to better the eeds of the individuals in our country.
Society, has constructed what seems to be the ideal family of a man, woman, and child. It is more and more common to see same-sex couples. The child is usually from a past relationship or adoption. Not many people acknowledge the fact that the adoption rates will rise due to gay marriage, but it's a true fact.
NCAA Throws The Book, The Gavel, and The Kitchen Sink! (part 2)
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What It Means To Be Free

In my last blog I was a little unclear on my main point so to clear it up a little bit, the united states should not claim that it is the “America is the freest and wealthiest nation in the world” when for 1 free is a misconception of the word regulated, and 2 America is not the wealthiest nation, we are in over 13,000,000,000,000$ of debt. I know that without laws and rules everything would be chaos. Rules and laws are the structure to the world, like beams supporting houses and buildings, without them a house would crumble and fall to the ground like society would without laws. There are many reasons why we need rules and laws, for instance if a man kills another man the best thing to do is to put him in jail to prevent him from being a danger to someone else, also to keep everything in order. What is a problem are the little rules and laws( listed in last blog) that could result in minor or very severe punishment. New laws are thought of and proposed to congress to get passed all the time and as time goes buy it almost seems like they are just proposing pointless laws. What would you consider reasonable and ridiculous laws?

Texting While Driving Ban As Good As Invisible

After reading a few blogs and even doing some research, I realized many people believe texting while driving is very dangerous, even more dangerous than drunk driving. At first, I was like how could this be? Because drivers are under the influence and their judgment is impaired. According to this article, your ability to react is slower. I think texting while driving is becoming so dangerous because states have banned it; therefore, it’s harder to text without getting caught. But like Kia Hill stated in her response to my blog, there are alternate ways around this ban. For example, she can download an application for her phone where the text message is read aloud and she doesn’t have to touch the phone, this is probably safer, but it can still be dangerous. Because of the effects of texting while driving and there are ways to still do it, the consequences should be more harsh or the ban should be re- written to fix the loop holes, and actually stop drivers from texting while driving or atleast thinking twice before they do it. This video shows the effects of texting while driving and drunk driving.
3D Rules the World!

The invention of 3d animation has made numerous and varieties of tasks a lot manageable, problems that were troublesome are now uncomplicated. There are countless of advantages of 3d modeling and animation; animation captures attention, and presents accurate

Hi, My Name is Humanity, and I'm an Oil Addict.

In my last entry I claimed that the phenomena of peak oil would cause great economic and social hardships on the entire world. Here I hope to shed light on the more specific threats we can expect to see in the coming decades. Many may argue that they are perfectly content to just ride a bicycle or that they have no need for a car where they live, and a few people even claim they would be fine without electricity and all of the work that entails. However, this is not the extent of the problem. The problem is that all of us, regardless of our attachment to modern luxury, have to eat to survive and currently the worlds agriculture is very heavily dependent on oil. In a recent article published in the The Salt Lake Tribune it was bluntly stated that,
"Inhabitants of the United States literally eat oil. Oil is necessary to make the fertilizer and pesticides used on our crops; to irrigate them; and to fuel the machinery used to plant, cultivate, and harvest them. In one study conducted in 1994, it was calculated that feeding each American each year required the equivalent of 400 gallons of oil, exclusive of the energy, mainly oil, needed for packaging, refrigeration, transportation, and cooking. The authors calculated that for every calorie of food energy delivered to the consumer, 10 calories of other energy, mostly oil, are required. The lesson is clear: Without oil we starve."Human life will go on without many of oils products such as the transportation, electronics and machinery but a break down in the farming system leads to famine. Human population has doubled in roughly 60 years and our oil consumption has increased even more exponentially. Traditional, pre-oil agriculture simply cannot feed 7 billion people. In a report sponsored by the European Union it was determined that the greatly enhanced yields from hydrocarbon aided farming produces about 75% of the worlds grain and feeds roughly 60% of the human population. As it stands, that is almost 4 billion people. Anything but the most optimistic of view points is rather troubling when all of this is considered.
Girls With No Clothes On!


Two of the latest products released from Apple are the Apple Wireless Keyboard and the Magic Trackpad. The wireless keyboard basically explains its self, but the Magic Trackpad is not so simple. As described by Vincent Nguyen, writer for, a Magic Trackpad is essentially “the trackpad from a MacBook Pro, sliced out and blown up[;] the wireless peripheral promises to bring gestures [that] Apple’s mobile users have been enjoying to their desktop compatriots.” The Magic Trackpad is a new method of controlling a computer that allows you to easily access numerous functions with simple finger maneuvers. Nguyen gives a display of the Magic Track pad and its package contents in his article “Magic Trackpad Review”. The Apple Wireless keyboard and Magic Trackpad are both powered by two AA batteries; Apple sells its own rechargeable batteries for them both, which are said to last the lifetime of the devices.
Saying that Apple products are innovative is almost an understatement, but it is more than just the products; it’s how they’re made. Apple makes it a priority to do their part in protecting the environment. In “The story behind Apple’s environmental footprint”, an article in the news section of Apple’s website, Apple states that “we know that the most important thing we can do to reduce our impact on the environment is to improve our products.” This would explain their use smaller designs and packaging. Over time Apple has been working to reduce the amount of carbon emissions its products emit and as show in the carts in “The story behind Apple’s environmental footprint” each one of Apple’s products “exceeds the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s strict ENERGY STAR guidelines for efficiency.” Another example of Apple’s dedication to the environment is their promotional savings of 10% off of the purchase of a new IPod when you bring in your old one to recycle.