Two of the latest products released from Apple are the Apple Wireless Keyboard and the Magic Trackpad. The wireless keyboard basically explains its self, but the Magic Trackpad is not so simple. As described by Vincent Nguyen, writer for slashgear.com, a Magic Trackpad is essentially “the trackpad from a MacBook Pro, sliced out and blown up[;] the wireless peripheral promises to bring gestures [that] Apple’s mobile users have been enjoying to their desktop compatriots.” The Magic Trackpad is a new method of controlling a computer that allows you to easily access numerous functions with simple finger maneuvers. Nguyen gives a display of the Magic Track pad and its package contents in his article “Magic Trackpad Review”. The Apple Wireless keyboard and Magic Trackpad are both powered by two AA batteries; Apple sells its own rechargeable batteries for them both, which are said to last the lifetime of the devices.
Saying that Apple products are innovative is almost an understatement, but it is more than just the products; it’s how they’re made. Apple makes it a priority to do their part in protecting the environment. In “The story behind Apple’s environmental footprint”, an article in the news section of Apple’s website, Apple states that “we know that the most important thing we can do to reduce our impact on the environment is to improve our products.” This would explain their use smaller designs and packaging. Over time Apple has been working to reduce the amount of carbon emissions its products emit and as show in the carts in “The story behind Apple’s environmental footprint” each one of Apple’s products “exceeds the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s strict ENERGY STAR guidelines for efficiency.” Another example of Apple’s dedication to the environment is their promotional savings of 10% off of the purchase of a new IPod when you bring in your old one to recycle.
I enjoyed reading your blog. I have a Apple computer and to be honest i didn't no some things i could buy for it until i read your article. I found it interesting that Apple was working to reduce the amount of carbon emissions and that this company was so involved in recycling. I feel like you showed many readers something new about Apple. I would like to know more about this and even know more about Apple in general. I think it would be great for you to compare Apple computers to other computers to show why one should buy an Apple rather than say a Dell. I enjoyed all your evidence that you supported your article with i feel like you have picked a great topic that is current with todays world.Keep it going im curious to see what else you add to this!!