As I mentioned in my previous post about this informative subject, laptops have been reported to cause "toasted skin syndrome", also known as erythema ab igne or "redness by fire."
This condition can also be caused by the overuse of heating pads and other heat sources that usually aren't hot enough to cause burns. It is generally harmless but can cause permanent skin darkening. Still, in very rare occasions, it can cause damage leading to skin cancers, as said by Swiss researchers from the University Hospital of Basel. Also, Dr. Anthony J. Mancini, dermatology chief at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, noted that chronic, prolonged skin inflammation can potentially increase chances for squamous cell skin cancer, which is more aggressive than the most common skin cancer.
In this post, I'd like to mention the effects of laptops on the male reproduction system. A medical report several years ago from researchers at the State University of New York at Stony Brook found that men who used laptops on their laps had elevated scrotum temperatures. In fact, hot laptops have been found to increase the temperature of scrotums up to 35 degrees above the normal body temperature of 98.6 degrees. If prolonged, that kind of heat can decrease sperm production, which can potentially lead to male infertility.
Also, I'd like to mention the fact that a warning is printed in the user manuals of the major laptop manufacturers. These manufacturers include Apple, Hewelett Packard (also known as hp), and Dell, and all of the companies supposedly have a warning that appears in their user manuals against the habit of placing laptops on their laps or exposed skin for extended periods of time because of the risk of burns.
Also, I'd like to mention the fact that a warning is printed in the user manuals of the major laptop manufacturers. These manufacturers include Apple, Hewelett Packard (also known as hp), and Dell, and all of the companies supposedly have a warning that appears in their user manuals against the habit of placing laptops on their laps or exposed skin for extended periods of time because of the risk of burns.
The signs are obvious and, with the increase in the use of laptops recently, the potential for laptops to further increase our risk of cancer in the future is rather eminent. Also, the major manufacturers have made provisions to cover theirbacksides on this issue, therefore, I hope all of you will invest in "lap desk" for your laptop or just choose a regular desk to work on, but, if you don't, you might be paying for cancer treatment in the near future! Or, at least, you might have a permanent discoloration in your skin.
Being that I use my laptop everyday and it is often positioned on my lap, I took great interest in this blog. I was very pleased that I took the time to read it as the blog was quite informative. My favorite place to use my laptop is on my bed and I usually set it on top of my lap. However, upon reading this, I am taking extra precautions to ensure that I do not use my computer in such a manner anymore.