In my last blog I was a little unclear on my main point so to clear it up a little bit, the united states should not claim that it is the “America is the freest and wealthiest nation in the world” when for 1 free is a misconception of the word regulated, and 2 America is not the wealthiest nation, we are in over 13,000,000,000,000$ of debt. I know that without laws and rules everything would be chaos. Rules and laws are the structure to the world, like beams supporting houses and buildings, without them a house would crumble and fall to the ground like society would without laws. There are many reasons why we need rules and laws, for instance if a man kills another man the best thing to do is to put him in jail to prevent him from being a danger to someone else, also to keep everything in order. What is a problem are the little rules and laws( listed in last blog) that could result in minor or very severe punishment. New laws are thought of and proposed to congress to get passed all the time and as time goes buy it almost seems like they are just proposing pointless laws. What would you consider reasonable and ridiculous laws?
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