In conclusion, the fast food industry is manipulating the public; they give us inferior products and hide behind a curtain of mystery. Their products can lead to heart disease, obesity, and diabetes and aren’t these consequences that deserve to be kept in check?
If we can put tabs on alcohol and cigarettes, I can feel comfortable advocating control over fast food. In addition to this, the government should adjust subsidies on corn and perhaps provide incentives to organic farmers and local grocers. We need to discourage this fast-food mentality that gets applied to everything; a mentality that promotes mega-marts, preservatives, and homogeneous lifestyles. It endangers our mentality and our bodies.
I want to applaud the media for bringing these issues to light. Documentaries like Food, Inc., Supersize Me, and Fast Food Nation bring issues like this to light. However, it’s still not enough. The media has a responsibility to shine the light on these issues; they need to give the public the information to make an informed decision.
Spending a few more dollars on dinner can make such a huge difference. It’s a small commitment that provides a healthier lifestyle and benefits the planet and global community. If we all just ate a little less meat and replaced the meat that we do eat with a higher quality, free-range, grass fed alternative, we could take a huge step forward in regards to the environment. To be honest, it’s a lot easier than recycling.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Homeward Bound: Journey From Afghanistan

Specialist in U.S. Defense Policy and Budget, Amy Belasco, presents the total figures for the war to the date of September 2, 2010 in a report entitled The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11. From September 11, 2001 until September 2, 2010 the United States government has spent a cumulative $336 billion to fund the war in Afghanistan. Though this total is not as larger as the $751 billion spent over the same time period on the war in Iraq, it does raise the question as to whether this money could be put to better use at this time.
As the United States is suffering from one of its worse recessions, the need for government funding is great. According to a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, national unemployment, as of September 2010, was 9.6% a figure which insures that millions of Americans are out of work. That being the case, the money that is being pumped into the war in Afghanistan could very well be used to help the millions of Americans who have lost jobs as a result of the sluggish economy. Therefore, many Americans want the war to end and the troops to come home in order to help the economy get back on its feet.
To bring the war in Afghanistan to an end would mean less divisions of government spending. The U.S. government would be able to help more jobless Americans and even boost the economy. While many Americans want the war in Afghanistan to come to an end, the reasons why vary. Some believe that the war has been going on for far to long; others fear the dark possibilities that can come from remaining at war; and many more consider the war effort a strain on the economy. For these many reasons, Americans want United States soldiers to come back home. The time is now.
World of Dance acceptable outlet for provocative behavior?

The girls in the controversial videos have disgruntled the view of young girls in dance and the dance community. A dance studio owner named Katie Hignett stated, "I am disgusted that this smut receives high scores at competitions. It gives dance a bad name." Why should these young girls receive praise with high scores at competitions? According to dance executive vice president, Larry Peters, for the Hozman group and the dance completion the girls did nothing wrong. “"It was the very first WOD event I had ever attended, and I can tell you the cheering and screaming you heard on the video was from other parents and dance teams that were just blown away by their dance performance and precision. There was NOTHING provocative about what they were doing."How can a grown man openly admit that? It really makes you think about just WHO the girls were performing to. If a grown man from the dancing community has nothing bad to say about the performance, who do the children go to know their actions aren’t appropriate? The amount of desensitization in the adult community, for example Peters, is what is wrong with this whole picture. If the choreographer and parents would have put their foot down against the inappropriateness of the situation there would be no controversy.
Same Sex Marriage

Most of society have issues with homosexuals marrying, but the question is why? Everybody is the same and should have the same rights.
Nearly 70% of the people in the United States oppose same sex marriage. Legalizing homosexual marriage would represent culmination of the nation's commitment to equal rights. As of right now the America is not treating everybody fair. Homosexuals should have the same rights as everybody else.
Same sex relationships is not something that just recently, in fact it has been around since the ancient Greece and roman times although the term homosexual was not created until 1869. The practice of homosexuality has not always been stigmatized, but accepted into many cultures. Why cant we accept other peoples happiness??
Allowing same sex marriage can provide guarantees of many important human relationships. For example if a couple has a medical emergency and they need a spouse to sign are the doctors going to tell the other spouse he/she cannot marry. This would also be a big problem if they are not married and they need a signature some where on dotted line and they are not able to sign. All I am trying to say is that people should accept one another for who they really are despite there differences. Whether gay, straight white, black etc. it should not really matter. If a person is really happy with there significant other then let them be happy. Ever body should have equal rights.
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