Most of society have issues with homosexuals marrying, but the question is why? Everybody is the same and should have the same rights.
Nearly 70% of the people in the United States oppose same sex marriage. Legalizing homosexual marriage would represent culmination of the nation's commitment to equal rights. As of right now the America is not treating everybody fair. Homosexuals should have the same rights as everybody else.
Same sex relationships is not something that just recently, in fact it has been around since the ancient Greece and roman times although the term homosexual was not created until 1869. The practice of homosexuality has not always been stigmatized, but accepted into many cultures. Why cant we accept other peoples happiness??
Allowing same sex marriage can provide guarantees of many important human relationships. For example if a couple has a medical emergency and they need a spouse to sign are the doctors going to tell the other spouse he/she cannot marry. This would also be a big problem if they are not married and they need a signature some where on dotted line and they are not able to sign. All I am trying to say is that people should accept one another for who they really are despite there differences. Whether gay, straight white, black etc. it should not really matter. If a person is really happy with there significant other then let them be happy. Ever body should have equal rights.
Unfortunately, same sex marriage isn't legalized in every state. currently, their have been strong issuess regarding gay couples and the expression of their sexuality. Along with many other concerns, most believe that same sex couples should be allowed to be married based on such things as medical issues. Human rights are to be mentioned as so-called "equal". Apparently, all human rights are not created equally because same sex couples are not allowed to freely express their love for one another by being married. In a way, most are perturbed by the decision to just have love "partners". It's a shame that the rest of gays/lesbians can't promise their partners long-term relationships by solodifying their marriage.