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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Eating Ethically

In conclusion, the fast food industry is manipulating the public; they give us inferior products and hide behind a curtain of mystery. Their products can lead to heart disease, obesity, and diabetes and aren’t these consequences that deserve to be kept in check?

If we can put tabs on alcohol and cigarettes, I can feel comfortable advocating control over fast food. In addition to this, the government should adjust subsidies on corn and perhaps provide incentives to organic farmers and local grocers. We need to discourage this fast-food mentality that gets applied to everything; a mentality that promotes mega-marts, preservatives, and homogeneous lifestyles. It endangers our mentality and our bodies.

I want to applaud the media for bringing these issues to light. Documentaries like Food, Inc., Supersize Me, and Fast Food Nation bring issues like this to light. However, it’s still not enough. The media has a responsibility to shine the light on these issues; they need to give the public the information to make an informed decision.

Spending a few more dollars on dinner can make such a huge difference. It’s a small commitment that provides a healthier lifestyle and benefits the planet and global community. If we all just ate a little less meat and replaced the meat that we do eat with a higher quality, free-range, grass fed alternative, we could take a huge step forward in regards to the environment. To be honest, it’s a lot easier than recycling.

1 comment:

  1. Right on! This post is very true, there should be awareness for the public about what food can do to them, or for them. I think food should have a Surgeon General Warning, the same way that cigarettes do, that way people know what they're really eating. Also it's completely right that spending a little extra money every once and a while on healthier food is completely worth the nutritional benefits that come from it.
