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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
How Far Would You Go To Become A "Real Man"
This is real and something needs to be done!

The debate on whether or not to drill for the much needed oil has been going on for years. According to the Defenders of Wildlife article, Wildlife Impacts from Oil Drilling in the Refuge, the portion of ANWR set aside for oil and gas development is the 1.5 million acres of coast along the Beaufort Sea. President George W. Bush proposed that the oil found in ANWR would reduce our dependence on foreign oil by one million barrels a day. Is it worth destroying the environment?
According to Jeffery A. Hank's article, ANWR & Oil: What About the Wildlife, drilling in ANWR would provide America with oil and gas, however at the same time it would ruin the beauty of the land. Numerous animals call this land home, and many migrate across it each year. It would be selfish of our government to ruin one of America's last frontiers only for extra oil. It should be no question that the beautiful wildlife and picturesque terrain should stay unharmed from oil rigs.
There are also small communities that call ANWR home; the Gwich'en people and the Inupiat Eskimo tribe. Though the two groups support oil drilling on their land, it may also cause them harm. With the building of oil rigs, many job opportunities will arise for the people. However, the question these groups face is deciding between earning money and preserving land.
Eathing Ethically
I have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for almost fifteen years. I abstain from eating meat, although I’ll eat eggs, milk, and the products of animals, generally. Oddly, enough, I made this decision when I was around four years old—obviously, it wasn’t a logical one, at the time, but I found that as I grew older, I created reasons for myself after the fact; they weren’t half bad.
Going vegetarian is pretty much the single greatest impact you can make for the sake of the environment. Methane is over twenty times as powerful as any other greenhouse gas; it’s responsible for more global warming than all other greenhouse gases combined. Concentrations of animal waste and cattle farms contribute over one hundred million tons of methane per year. Water tables are polluted from the nitrogen in the cattle’s urine. The nitrates could contaminate wells and drinking water. An individual cow wouldn’t contribute anything too terribly serious; however, farming has grown from a small-scale and personal experience into a giant process. We’ve taken
I’m not saying that these are evil Mega-corporations and we should form a lynch mob or anything. If the surgeon general and the FDA require tobacco companies to label cigarettes as dangerous carcinogens, is it really too much to ask for some regulation regarding something as vital as our food? I’m all for the individual’s responsibility to educate themselves, but it’s undeniable that the conditions regarding our food are kept, for the most part, in the dark. If we’re staying for dinner, is it really too much to ask to just have a peek in the kitchen?
Are Proffesional Athletes Over-Paid?

While i was watching sports center this past weekend (as usual), i realized i was interested in the salaries of professional athletes. From my common knowledge i knew some of the highest paid athletes make well over a million dollars, but the salaries i came across were rediculous. Tiger Woods, the worlds best GOLFER, makes 56.1 million dollars a year. Lebron James, aka "king james", makes 50 million dollars a year. What the hell are they going to do with all that money? I'm sure it seems like i'm hating or whatnot, but im just keeping it real. Honestly if they lowered the salaries of professional athletes just a little bit (a couple million), maybe my boss could have enough money to raise my salary. Then again he's probably going to bet that money on the game this weekend! Seriousy, Why does a man make over 50 million dollars a year and all he does is put a ball in a hole? "c'mon". Or Lebron James for instance, he gets paid about the same salary as Tiger Woods. People pay big money to watch a giant dunk a ball. i mean "c'mon" he's 6'8", it hardly takes him any effort to touch the sky! All im asking is why cant the people who are making an effort to the change the world or create a better means of society make salaries of that nature? Or perhaps poor college students, like myself, can get a little something for our efforts. So are professional athletes over-paid? You tell me. Now pass the remote, the game's coming on!
Separation anxiety?? who is it harder on?

NCAA Throws The Book, The Gavel, and The Kitchen Sink!
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