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Monday, October 11, 2010
Hybrid Cars: Good v. Bad

Women .vs. Men: Who's Better?

My blog is completely opinionative but states many facts and has proof. I am not saying that women are completely better than men or vice versa. I am saying that women are better than men in many things and vice versa. Apparently men are always thinking about sex while women are searching for emotional exchange, as stated in Advice: Men vs. Women. Women need validation, recognition, affection, and to be loved. Now I'm not saying that men don't need those things too, but are they willing to give women all of those things? And that's where men lack the most at. They fail to realize a woman's needs. They don't know how to be vulnerable.
World of Dance acceptable outlet for provocative behavior?
Same Sex Marriage

Fast Food and Obese Kids
As explained in my first blog post, fast food has been targeted as being the cause of obesity in society's children for a while now. Though lawsuits against McDonald's and other restaurants have not been successful, they still prove that these places have a big part in this horrible act of obesity in our kids. No the "occasional cheeseburger" is not the cause of obesity in children, but these meals are not occasional anymore. It is becoming their everyday dinner. The process of these meals went from Kid’s Meals to Big Kid's Meals to Value Meals. This goes to show that our children are not even getting full off of “normal kid” servings anymore. An article by Vincent Iannelli, M.D. entitled Childhood Obesity: Who's To Blame explains how fast food plays a big part in children's obesity, but tells how there are others involved. This second party being the family or parents. "Busy and cash-strapped families increasingly rely on take-out food for family dinners," which proves the laziness of the parents. Jennie Murphy, in the article The Super-sizing of America: Are Fast Food chains to Blame for the Nation's Obesity?, tells how these fast food restaurants are "facing fierce competition for customer loyalty" so, they will basically do whatever is necessary to keep the customers coming, no matter the consequence; this consequence results in fat kids. Murphy also said that "the portions served by fast food chains and other restaurants are far larger than the recommended portion size for most foods." So, not only are they consuming unhealthy food, but also large portions of it.
Eating Ethically

Vegetarianism cannot possibly fix our environment, but it’s the easiest and most effective commitment an individual can make. Gidon Eshel, a geophysicist, and Pamela Martin, an assistant professor of geophysics at the University of Chicago, state that “if Americans were to reduce meat consumption by just 20 percent it would be as if we all switched from a standard sedan — a Camry, say — to the ultra-efficient Prius.”
By reducing consumption of meat or abstaining from it entirely, an individual reduces water pollution caused by the cattle and their waste reservoirs and air pollution caused by both the cattle’s’ carbon and methane emissions and the transportation of the meat.
Over seventy percent of the grain grown in the country is used to fuel feedlots. Meat could be considered a weak investment in food production as they are very inefficient. It takes sixteen pounds of grain to grow—let’s admit it, you can hardly call it farming or raising, anymore—one pound of meat. It takes five pounds of wild fish to grow one pound of salmon (and an inferior salmon, at that!). “According to the USDA and the United Nations, using an acre of land to raise cattle for slaughter yields 20 pounds of usable protein. That same acre would yield 356 pounds of protein if soybeans were grown instead”[sic]more than 17 times as much!”
Imaging what we could do with all the grain, land, and water we’d save if we just committed to spending a little more time on dinner—if we just brought ethics to the table.
It’s cheaper to grab a burger and fries on your way home, but it shouldn’t be. Government subsidies favor corn and wheat (both used heavily on feedlots) so they can be sold below production costs and fruit and vegetable farmers aren’t united enough to even ask for government subsidy. If we were to reduce the amount of money given to grain and corn farmers, we could reduce the cost of produce—and supply nutritious food for the poor — and increase the price of “junk food” and meat.
What is Worse than DUI?

I have continued to read articles on the issue. Articles such as Texting while driving is more dangerous than drink- driving, Is texting while driving really worse than drunk driving?, and Texting and Driving Worse Than Drinking and Driving show that texting while driving is more dangerous than drunk driving. In addition, the video that is provided on the Texting and Driving Worse Than Drinking and Driving further shows why texting and driving is more riskier than drinking while driving. On the video, it uses the legal amount of alcohol to display an accurate presentation of why one act is more dangerous than the other. One article states that it is not more dangerous because the driver does not stay impaired the entire time like a drunk driver does. This statement is true. However, it only takes a second for an accident to occur. Also, if the driver is texting, then he is, more than likely, going to receive a text back. If this occurs, then he is distracted trying to get his phone and reply to the text; therefore, this causes for his distraction time to increase, as well as his reaction. According to Christopher Neiger's article, texting while driving is more riskier mainly because the driver's eyes are not on the road which lowers his ability to react to changes occurring on the highway. Based on the information provided in the articles, I will continue to say that texting while driving is more dangerous than drinking while driving. Furthermore, to discontinue both acts, many laws are being enforced. We are familiar with the D.U.I. laws, so lets focus on the laws that are being enforced about texting and driving.

"The operator of every vehicle, while driving, shall devote their full time and attention to such driving", says the Oklahoma Governor. There are two laws concerning the act of utilizing a cellular device and operating a vehicle. The first law is the primary enforcement cell phone law, and the second law is the secondary enforcement cell phone law. There are differences between the violations of the two laws; however, they have a similar consequences. The law says that the driver can be pulled over and given a ticket. The laws will not immediately stop the act, but hopefully, it ends it sooner than later. Make wise decisions! What would you do to save lives and save money?
Rap turning youth violent?

People may argue that rap music is sending youth in the wrong direction with the sexual and violent lyrics. But, not many know that hip hop/rap music is being used as a therapeutic practice for "high-risk clients." It's called Hip Hop Social Work. It may seem like hip hop and social work wouldn't go together at all, but Lauren Collins, a therapist who has an MSW from Hunter College's Graduate School of Social Work. Collins says, "Hip hop provides a comfortable forum for honest self-examination while helping participants find their way along the path to personal growth." Even though hip hop and rap music is said to be ruining young people's minds and lifestyles, it's also helping people who need that way of expression.