Is our generation too dependent on technology? Its hard to imagine life with out mp3 players, TV, cell phones, Internet, or other technological necessities. Technology has become so attached to our everyday lives it seems we would be unable to function with out it. In a poll conducted by Fox News "Almost half of personal computer owners say they can't imagine life with out computers. About as many cell phone owners say the same thing about their portable phones". While technological advances certainly make our lives easier, you can only help but wonder what are the future effects of our dependence. For example, many people don't know how to read a map because there are GPS to feed us directions. If there is something you don't know how to do, most peoples first instinct is to 'google' it. And how many times do you use text messages to avoid talking to someone face to face? Situations like this only raise questions about whether our dependence on technology is good or bad. If all of our technological necessities were to one day disappear would we be able to survive? After all, just take a second to think about how much in a single day you use technology. If our generation's lives have become this absorbed with technology you can only imagine whats in store for the next generation to come.