In my previous blogs, I've discussed how rappers today are influencing young people. It has been said that young people take the rappers lyrics to the heart and, in a way, live by them. This could be a good thing, as if the rapper is a role model for a young person. For this to happen, the rapper must be producing positive lyrics. But, we all know, that in today's society rap music is known as the most offensive derogatory type. It contains degrading lyrics towards women, as well as habits of a bad lifestyle (i.e., drugs, alcohol, sex). Now what kind of role model is this? Many people believe rap music is corrupting youth, and setting a bad example. Rappers' lyrics can talk about how crime is their lifestyle, or their niche in society. When a young person hears this, they could tend to follow it - especially if they come from a bad home life, or something along those lines.
In an argument, I discussed it wasn't only rap music making youth violent. Other factors play a role as well. Rappers can't be blamed for everything. It's a stereotype that ALL rap music talks about smoking weed and having sex. Rappers can sometimes send a good message across. Rap music today catches young peoples ears by the beat, not always by the lyrics. A young person listening to certain songs can make them look as if they aren't on the best track in life. That may not always be the case. Rap music does have an influence and can impact someone's life majorly. But, not always, does rap corrupt you.
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Thursday, October 21, 2010
Skittles A Rainbow of Colors or A Rainbow of Harm?

In an ideal world, parents would read these cautionary tales and rise up and take control of what their kids eat by changing their shopping habits and meal choices. Instead in reality, no wide action is taken to prevent the harms they are causing their kids by the foods they let them consume day after day. Perhaps we should start the trend in schools. In Massachusetts, a bill banning the sale of junk food and drinks at school raises issues about the school role in educating children and their parents and “foster a healthier learning environment for students.” (Support grows for limiting junk food in Mass. Schools) This bill “[gained] momentum in the Legislature” proving that others are seeing the need in school involvement and health choices. If we are asking schools to regulate junk food and soft drinks why not ask them to ban artificial dyes as well?
100 years ago parents didn’t realize the risk that cigarettes posed but when the evidence mounted they kept them away from their children. Until 50 years ago we never worried about car seats to protect our children in the automobile now not only are they standard but it is the law that parents protect their precious cargo with child safety restraints. Now that we are discovering the affect of these dyes what is keeping us from acting swiftly to ensure the health of our children? Parents, schools, and manufacturers should work together to give our children the best possible future. Sure they deserve a snack occasionally but do those snacks have to be laced with harmful substances? Give them their Skittles—just keep the chemicals.
100 years ago parents didn’t realize the risk that cigarettes posed but when the evidence mounted they kept them away from their children. Until 50 years ago we never worried about car seats to protect our children in the automobile now not only are they standard but it is the law that parents protect their precious cargo with child safety restraints. Now that we are discovering the affect of these dyes what is keeping us from acting swiftly to ensure the health of our children? Parents, schools, and manufacturers should work together to give our children the best possible future. Sure they deserve a snack occasionally but do those snacks have to be laced with harmful substances? Give them their Skittles—just keep the chemicals.
What is Worse than DUI?

The statistics based their reasoning off of the driver's reaction time and whether the driver is impaired or not. It is obvious that the driver is impaired. The driver is not devoting all of his attention on the highway and his surroundings. I have seen many people drifting out of their lanes because they were focused on their phone. Even though, all the evidence is available, many drivers are constantly guilty of this act.
Laws are being made to avoid this deadly act. Texting while driving should be ban all over because there are too many innocent people losing their lives, due to someone else's stupidity. However, not all of the states have banned the act.
Many people probably think that it is hard to get caught while texting. Drivers say, "I am looking down, but that does not mean I am texting." They may also say, "I know I drifted off out of my lane, but I was not texting." Polices know because the driver has the tendency to drive slower or drift out of the lanes. Some driver are talented enough that they can text without looking. However, the same effects still occur.
It is best not to multi-task while driving. Keep all of your focus on driving carefully. Texting while driving can lead to devastating accidents that does not have an explanation to what happened. Hopefully, the offenders will soon comprehend the consequences and care more about their lives. Think before you act!
Pictures Do Lie!!!!!!!!!!!

In my last two blogs entries, I discussed the effects of media on women and young girl’s body image. How the media portrays what’s right and wrong. This could potentially led to certain individuals wanting to fix there imperfections with plastic surgery. The media portrays beauty in everything we come across in our daily lives, such as magazines, television, advertisement, and billboards. Some of the comments on my last entry opened up my eyes to different types of discrimination in the media such as age and how shows like American Next Top Model can affect how people view themselves also. On American Next Top Model, Tyra Banks states that she is for all type of women but the fashion industry wants certain body types. So why are you adding onto what you know is wrong? The media does effect body image but its not just with body types but also the color of your skin. In Latin American and African American culture, girls with lighter skin are considered prettier, more exotic, and higher privilege. On the other hand, in South Asia lighter skin is considered more attractive. I always wondered why skin color was connected to beauty or why it still is an issue to this day.
When I look at different cultures I see why in the past color was portrayed the way it is. In the African American culture, during slavery time the light skin slaves had special privileges than those of a darker skin. They were considered cooperative because of their skin color. Okay, that was in the past so why lighter skin is still considered better is because of the media. In my first entry, I showed you airbrushed pictures of different celebrities and how their bodies were dramatically changed. One of the changes was skin color, making the pictures lighter but not to light were the public eye knows the change. Recently L’Oréal published a picture of Beyonce Knowles in Elle magazine. Some say that L’Oreal lightened Beyonce’s picture to make the advertisement be more appealing. L’Oreal denied the allegations to E! News “We highly value our relationship with Ms. Knowles. It is categorically untrue that L'Oréal Paris altered Ms. Knowles's features or skin-tone in the campaign for Feria's hair color.” Even though they denied the allegations, the public sees different. What do you think?

Fantasia Burrino, a singer that won American Idol, is starting to speak up about the negative press surrounding her. She says that her negative press is because of her skin color. In an interview with Vibe magazine “Fantasia shares that she feels the media response has much to do with her skin tone, full lips, full nose, and short hair.” Many magazines have compared the media’s response to Fantasia and how they reacted to Alicia Keys scandal. The media acted as if it never happened and she went on with her career. Fantasia fells as if her career has been dramatically affected by what the media portrayed her as. Does the color of your skin really play a role in how the media portrays you?
The media plays a big role in body images and it causes different things to happen. Whether it’s causing an eating disorder, or putting the idea of plastic surgery into someone’s head. The average US resident is exposed to approximately 5,000 advertising messages a day. The main source of information about women’s health issues comes from the media. Why can’t the media portray every body type as beautiful? When is the media going to realize the affect it has on body image and decides to change? When are the people going to stand up to the media and command change?

Fast Food and Obese Kids
It is believed by many people that fast food has nothing to do with the fattening of our children today. Though, evidence shows that these restaurants are a huge factor in child obesity, the blame is being put on other things as well. As revealed in my previous posts, fast food provides families with not only convenience but also health issues, and children are the main targets. Parents play a big role in making their kids obese simply because they are the ones taking the kids to the food and a giving choice in what they want to eat. Either you can eat a healthy home cooked meal where all of the proper nutrients will be provided or you can eat Mickey D’s or Burger King where you get a toy and fattening food that causes clogged arteries, high cholesterol, and unhealthy weight gain. After researching this topic numerous times, I came up with the conclusion that parents are easier to blame because the kids are theirs and they have an option to cook or take the lazy route to a fast food restaurant. This is true but also unfair because yes, the parents are taking their kids to these restaurants, but they aren’t providing the food. The restaurants slide through the loop holes and get away with taking responsibility for their actions because they are a business and have to make their money however they can no matter who they harm or kill in the process. Some commented that “the occasion cheeseburger” doesn’t cause obesity or because these restaurants offer “fruit and milk instead of Coke and fries”, they should be off the hook. This is absolutely wrong. Yes, these things are being offered, but they are not being advertised in the way that the Big Mac or Whopper is, and the parents aren’t ordering it. One also used the excuse that “Parents are busy!” This is may be true but if you are so busy that you are neglecting your child’s health due to laziness, being tired, and convenience then maybe you shouldn’t have a child at all. I believe that when the health of children becomes the first priority of families and businesses then we will become a much more healthier world and the generations to come will not be as fat.
Hybrid Cars: Good v. Bad

It was brought to my attention that the cons that I presented in my first blog were only things that could go wrong with the car if the driver was not responsible. So I decided to research somethings that were wrong with the vehicle it self. One con, which was given to me was the cost it takes to replace the battery, which ranges from $5,000 to $8,000. Also, hybrid cars tend to accelerate at a slower speed than a gas powered vehicle, this means you can't attain your expected speed within the same time period in a hybrid car. In a article, Sorting Out Hybrid Brake Issue: Safety Issue or a Different Feel?, it is stated that some hybrid vehicles have issues with accelerator pedals sticking, which caused a massive recall of 4.5 million Toyota vehicles. It is also said that hybrid vehicles often have higher fuel consumption and the battery life of these cars only range from 80,000 to 100,000 miles, therefore replacement of the battery pack is on a hybrid happens more often than that of a gas powered car. Are you really saving?

In response to my second post of my blog, I agree that it is very hard for the law of banning texting while driving to really be enforced. How would police officers know and really have proof that people are actually texting while driving? As Kendall Baxter commented on my last post that, police officers state that drivers are more discreet now. This is very true, they can never really tell whose texting or not, being that people dont hold their phones where they could be seen. Sen. Abel Tapia, D-Pueblo stated, " I think the law is largely symbolic. The whole purpose of the law is to bring awareness to the fact that people need to pay attention while they are driving." This law is only being enforced to provide people with safety and protection on the road. Why not obey it? Therefore, there are alternatives or solutions to help decrease the rates due to texting while driving, or even talking on the phone while driving. Bluetooth is one alternative for talking while driving. Why not use it? Now there is a more advanced device brought about called the, FDIHandsfree or FDI voice. In using this device you can, send and receive emails, text messages, make phone calls, and more, all without using your hands. These both are great alternatives that can help reduce crashes and save lives. So I say, think twice before picking up the phone and talking or texting while driving. It's your life in danger.
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