The statistics based their reasoning off of the driver's reaction time and whether the driver is impaired or not. It is obvious that the driver is impaired. The driver is not devoting all of his attention on the highway and his surroundings. I have seen many people drifting out of their lanes because they were focused on their phone. Even though, all the evidence is available, many drivers are constantly guilty of this act.
Laws are being made to avoid this deadly act. Texting while driving should be ban all over because there are too many innocent people losing their lives, due to someone else's stupidity. However, not all of the states have banned the act.
Many people probably think that it is hard to get caught while texting. Drivers say, "I am looking down, but that does not mean I am texting." They may also say, "I know I drifted off out of my lane, but I was not texting." Polices know because the driver has the tendency to drive slower or drift out of the lanes. Some driver are talented enough that they can text without looking. However, the same effects still occur.
It is best not to multi-task while driving. Keep all of your focus on driving carefully. Texting while driving can lead to devastating accidents that does not have an explanation to what happened. Hopefully, the offenders will soon comprehend the consequences and care more about their lives. Think before you act!
I totally agree that texting while driving should be banned across the entire country. However, with this ban being passed, is it being effective? I continued to the link about the statistics, these are great facts! I wish there was a link included to compare and contrast the "befores" and "afters" about this regulation. I would really like to see if these laws are truly making a difference. I think it would have been a great addition if you included it in your post. There has also been debates on whether or not the police can qualify looking down for looking at your phone and texting. Maybe a link to that would have been great as well. This article includes info on whether or not the ban is actually helping; check it out.