Fast Food and Obese Kids
It is believed by many people that fast food has nothing to do with the fattening of our children today. Though, evidence shows that these restaurants are a huge factor in child obesity, the blame is being put on other things as well. As revealed in my previous posts, fast food provides families with not only convenience but also health issues, and children are the main targets. Parents play a big role in making their kids obese simply because they are the ones taking the kids to the food and a giving choice in what they want to eat. Either you can eat a healthy home cooked meal where all of the proper nutrients will be provided or you can eat Mickey D’s or Burger King where you get a toy and fattening food that causes clogged arteries, high cholesterol, and unhealthy weight gain. After researching this topic numerous times, I came up with the conclusion that parents are easier to blame because the kids are theirs and they have an option to cook or take the lazy route to a fast food restaurant. This is true but also unfair because yes, the parents are taking their kids to these restaurants, but they aren’t providing the food. The restaurants slide through the loop holes and get away with taking responsibility for their actions because they are a business and have to make their money however they can no matter who they harm or kill in the process. Some commented that “the occasion cheeseburger” doesn’t cause obesity or because these restaurants offer “fruit and milk instead of Coke and fries”, they should be off the hook. This is absolutely wrong. Yes, these things are being offered, but they are not being advertised in the way that the Big Mac or Whopper is, and the parents aren’t ordering it. One also used the excuse that “Parents are busy!” This is may be true but if you are so busy that you are neglecting your child’s health due to laziness, being tired, and convenience then maybe you shouldn’t have a child at all. I believe that when the health of children becomes the first priority of families and businesses then we will become a much more healthier world and the generations to come will not be as fat.
This is so true. Kids do not know what they are eating and the health issues behind it, all they know is that it taste good and they like it. In my opinion, parents are the blame for it because the businesses are only trying to make every dollar they can. The businesses like Mcdonald's and Burger King dont make people eat there, people choose to themselves. In which by them choosing for themselves, they choose for their kids to eat their also, which leads to obesity at a young age. It may be more convienant and time consuming but it is not helathier and kids need the nutrients from all the food groups not just fats and sugars. According to (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/01/05/health/main591325.shtml), nearly 15 percent of kids are obese and one-third of the U.S. kids eat fast foods which add on 6 extra pounds per child each year. According to this article (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/childhood-obesity-statistics-facts.html) heart disease has risen nearly 60 percent in children age 5-10 who are obese. This is very alarming, but also sad because children are suffering because of this. It's only because of the choices their parents make for them not knowing the health risks and dangers they are putting them at. I say at least if people are going to feed their child this or let them eat it then have them in some type of extracurricular activity or excercise. I've heard some say, "he/she will play it off", meaning that he/she will burn it off, but this is not always true because obesity may be apart of the childs genes which may not be as easy and increases all the risks & health issues. So I say parents should think twice before saying "wanna eat Mickey D's tonight" and actually cook their child a healthy meal.
ReplyDeleteIn today's world more and more young children are becoming obese. This is because they are getting fed the wrong nutrients. It is a factor of many things. The parents for one thing because they either make or buy unhealthy food, which if eaten a lot of over time will cause the child to become overweight. Another factor is school lunches. They might be advertised as healthy, but there are some pretty unhealthy choices there too. So when it comes to fast foods as well, which are advertised everywhere and the parents let the children decide what to eat, they are also factoring in the media as to what looks good to the child even thought it might not be healthy in a nutritional stance. So the only way to prevent from young children being obese is to think twice about what looks good from a bilboard and actually cook them something healthy.
I agree with you. Just recently my family found out that my little cousin is obese. She doesn't look like it that much, but she is. Her mother always took her to Mickey D's instead of cooking for her, and she always ordered for her instead of allowing her to choose for herself. She is only seven years old and she wighs 128 pounds. She is at the risk of losing her life, so we blamed her mother. Your blog is very informative and I do believe that instead of fast food restaraunts 2 or 3 times a week (maybe more) parents should cook healthy meals for their children.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is completely true. Parents are to blame for kids eating too much fast food. There are plenty of quick meals that can be made or picked up as an alternative to gross things. Parents are busy these days, but they shouldn't use that as an excuse for an easy meal.
ReplyDeleteI still believe that parents are at fault for obese children. You say that "they are not advertised in the way that the Big Mac and Whopper are" when referring to apples and milk, but maybe the parents should be mature adults and make better judgement when picking what their kids eat. You can not blame the food companies for giving America what it demands. As I said in an earlier comment, " the occasional cheeseburger does not cause obesity" and this is true, but I did not say they were "off the hook." I would also not classify all parents that allow their children to eat fast food as lazy. The occasional splurge of fast food is a treat to children and the parents should not be reprimanded for treating their children. Toys come with healthy choices just as they come with their unhealthy counterparts, so the thrill of receiving a toy is not the driving force for a child's choice. It is unfair to blame fast food producers for their consumers irresponsible decisions. Could more advertising influence children to make responsible choices?