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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rap Turning Youth Violent?

In my previous blogs, I've discussed how rappers today are influencing young people. It has been said that young people take the rappers lyrics to the heart and, in a way, live by them. This could be a good thing, as if the rapper is a role model for a young person. For this to happen, the rapper must be producing positive lyrics. But, we all know, that in today's society rap music is known as the most offensive derogatory type. It contains degrading lyrics towards women, as well as habits of a bad lifestyle (i.e., drugs, alcohol, sex). Now what kind of role model is this? Many people believe rap music is corrupting youth, and setting a bad example. Rappers' lyrics can talk about how crime is their lifestyle, or their niche in society. When a young person hears this, they could tend to follow it - especially if they come from a bad home life, or something along those lines.
In an argument, I discussed it wasn't only rap music making youth violent. Other factors play a role as well. Rappers can't be blamed for everything. It's a stereotype that ALL rap music talks about smoking weed and having sex. Rappers can sometimes send a good message across. Rap music today catches young peoples ears by the beat, not always by the lyrics. A young person listening to certain songs can make them look as if they aren't on the best track in life. That may not always be the case. Rap music does have an influence and can impact someone's life majorly. But, not always, does rap corrupt you.

1 comment:

  1. Not all rap music is bad. Many of these songs just tell a story. It is not just rap music that influences people to do things, but also rock and country music. Artists such as Creed and Lady GaGa influence others in a derogatory way. Creed has a song called "6 Feet From the Edge" where he's basically talking about committing suicide. Lady Gaga's lyrics aren't as bad, but her performances and videos tell awkward stories of death and other things. Artists such as Lil Wayne and Plies tell stories about their lives. A plethora of things, artists, and songs contribute to violence.It is true, slang and clothing are the main outcomes of many rap songs. But you can't just single out rap music when all music does the same.
