Fast Food and Obese Kids
As explained in my first blog post, fast food has been targeted as being the cause of obesity in society's children for a while now. Though lawsuits against McDonald's and other restaurants have not been successful, they still prove that these places have a big part in this horrible act of obesity in our kids. No the "occasional cheeseburger" is not the cause of obesity in children, but these meals are not occasional anymore. It is becoming their everyday dinner. The process of these meals went from Kid’s Meals to Big Kid's Meals to Value Meals. This goes to show that our children are not even getting full off of “normal kid” servings anymore. An article by Vincent Iannelli, M.D. entitled Childhood Obesity: Who's To Blame explains how fast food plays a big part in children's obesity, but tells how there are others involved. This second party being the family or parents. "Busy and cash-strapped families increasingly rely on take-out food for family dinners," which proves the laziness of the parents. Jennie Murphy, in the article The Super-sizing of America: Are Fast Food chains to Blame for the Nation's Obesity?, tells how these fast food restaurants are "facing fierce competition for customer loyalty" so, they will basically do whatever is necessary to keep the customers coming, no matter the consequence; this consequence results in fat kids. Murphy also said that "the portions served by fast food chains and other restaurants are far larger than the recommended portion size for most foods." So, not only are they consuming unhealthy food, but also large portions of it.
What children eat has a lot to do with what their parents are giving them to eat. Child obesity I agree can be blamed on the parents. Parents should know better than to give their child unhealthy foods. What ever happened to eating vegatables, and fruits and drinking things like water. As a result of parents not giving their child this(vegatables, fruits, and water)they aren't use to eating what is good for them, and no longer have an interest in eating these things. Child now, aren't very active, which is making the obsity rate raise. If a child is active and eats all this unhealthy food it wouldn't be that bad. Video games and watching television, are what children think of as being active. They no longer go out and play, which maybe fun, but at the same time keeps children active. What do u think people should do to stop the rise of obesity in children? What factors influence this obesity in children and can it be stopped?
ReplyDeleteThe title of this blog let me know exactly what the blog was about. In my opinion this blog was informative and shocking. Although you could've said a lot more I was satisfied with what I read. Next time, I think you should add some more detail, you can do so much with this topic, and im looking forward to the next post.
This is a very good topic, fast food restraints are taking over places that are a little more expensive and serve healthier food. Obesity is a very good example of how Americans become lazier and lazier every day. a good idea to cut down on kids getting fat would be more exercise programs in school. In some states it is against the law to drop out until either kids graduate or they turn 18. School takes up a big part of the day so why not spend more of the day exercising? In some cases fast food may be the only thing families can afford with how bad the economy is. Many fast food chains have a dollar menu or something of that sort, how can you turn down feeding a whole family for 10 bucks?
ReplyDeleteObesity in children starts with the parents. Kids aren't suppose eat fast food everynight. Parents should teach their kids to eat healthy and this would lower obesity in kids. Kids should also get active. When I was little I use to stay outside all day and night until it was time to come in. These days all kids wanna do is stay inside and eat, sleep, watch tv, and play video games. Kids are lazy these days and that is a major factor in obesity. Eating right and getting active are the keys to solving this childhood obesity problem. I'm not saying that you can't eat fast food because you can, you just can't make that a meal everyday of the week.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little, my mom use to cook home cooked meals every night and would make me sit there and eat everything that was on my plate no matter how much I cried and begged to be excused. I used to think that this was a mean of torturing me but now I realize what she was doing, she was making sure that I got all of the nutrients I needed, and for that I appreciate her so much more.
ReplyDeleteI do understand that things have changed a little bit, with parents doing a million things and having to take their kids a million places, but should this rush really have an unhealthy influence on their kids? Many just go to fast food places for the convenience and the low prices when there are many meals that can be cooked at home and are actually cheaper, such as Hamburger Helper. I do realize like you said that the “occasional cheeseburger is not the cause of obesity in children;” sometimes fast food is alright just not every night. A McDonald’s Mighty Kids Meal has been ranked the most unhealthy kids meal at fast food restaurants. It has a whopping 840 calories and 37 grams of fat, and it has been stated by the article The Five Most Unhealthful Fast-Food Kids Meals (http://www.pcrm.org/health/reports/worst_fast-food_kids_meals.html) that the mighty kids meal “has nearly double the recommended amount of fat for one meal and more than double the amount of saturated fat and sodium for one meal.” Following the McDonald’s Mighty Kids Meal is Wendy’s Kids Meal, KFC Kids Meals, A&W Kids Meal, and Burger King’s BK Kids. Fast food also has a very high energy density. In 6 Negative Effects Of Eating Fast Food (http://ezinearticles.com/?6-Negative-Effects-Of-Eating-Fast-Food&id=175205) , I learned that “energy density refers to the amount of calories an item of food contains in relation to its weight…Foods with a high energy density confuse the brain’s control systems for appetite, which are based solely on portion size.” This is crazy—we are just getting tricked into eating more than we need! Shouldn’t this be illegal?
I think it’s time that companies such as McDonalds and Wendy’s take a more active role in helping families combat this problem. Sure they offer token substitutes like apple fries and milk but perhaps they should eliminate grossly unhealthy choices from their menus altogether. Should they be forced to stop serving the junk? Or if they’re going to continue to sell these unhealthy foods, should they have to help the millions of Americans combat medical problems caused by childhood obesity?
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ReplyDeleteI do not feel as if Mcdonalds or any other fastfoods is the only ultimate reason why some kids are obesed. Although, they are known for there fatty burgers and greasy fries, fastfood restaurants also has healthy foods for those who want to eat healthy and nutritous. Some fastfood restaurants may have a wider variety than others but they all have some sort of nutrious foods other than burgers and fries. Doctors say the things you eat affects your health in many ways, whether they are good or bad. In effect to choosing burgers or fries from any fastfood restaurant effects your health greatly. As the elders say "You are what you eat!"
ReplyDeleteChildren's obesity should be blamed on two things,the fast food industry and the children's parents, and your blog gives a brief description of the two factors. Parents look for what's cheap and fast, which is exactly how fast food chains get their business. The lawsuits toward fast food chains are rediculus, it is the parent's choice to feed their kids greasy fast foods. With the economy being as it is now, parent's spendings are tightened, making a four dollar happy meal the easiest way to feed their children. Though fast food chains have made an attempt at providing healthier choices on their menus, most people would stick to the simpler, more fattening foods. I have noticed that even in grocery stores, it is more expensive to but fruits than it is to buy junk food. I agree with the points you made in your blog and hope parent's will begin making healthier choices for their children's health.
ReplyDeleteThe picture that you used intrigued me, the boy in this picture is clearly over weight and it seems to be growing problem. I like how you brought in the fact that parents are contributing to the obesity in kids today. A lot of times parents are in a hurry, crunched with money, or just don't want to cook so they grab a burger and fries and head home. I think that parents are the main contributors in the obesity of our children today and if they take better care of their kids than this problem could be reduced.