Specialist in U.S. Defense Policy and Budget, Amy Belasco, presents the total figures for the war to the date of September 2, 2010 in a report entitled The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11. From September 11, 2001 until September 2, 2010 the United States government has spent a cumulative $336 billion to fund the war in Afghanistan. Though this total is not as larger as the $751 billion spent over the same time period on the war in Iraq, it does raise the question as to whether this money could be put to better use at this time.
As the United States is suffering from one of its worse recessions, the need for government funding is great. According to a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, national unemployment, as of September 2010, was 9.6% a figure which insures that millions of Americans are out of work. That being the case, the money that is being pumped into the war in Afghanistan could very well be used to help the millions of Americans who have lost jobs as a result of the sluggish economy. Therefore, many Americans want the war to end and the troops to come home in order to help the economy get back on its feet.
To bring the war in Afghanistan to an end would mean less divisions of government spending. The U.S. government would be able to help more jobless Americans and even boost the economy. While many Americans want the war in Afghanistan to come to an end, the reasons why vary. Some believe that the war has been going on for far to long; others fear the dark possibilities that can come from remaining at war; and many more consider the war effort a strain on the economy. For these many reasons, Americans want United States soldiers to come back home. The time is now.
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