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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Competition Among Citizens and Illegal Immigrants

Emergency room workers attend to the victims of a grenade attack, at the Roosevelt Hospital in Guatemala City October 1, 2010. Seventeen people were taken to the hospital after an unidentified assailant threw a grenade into a crowded cafeteria, paramedics said. Picture taken October 1, 2010. REUTERS/Daniel LeClair (GUATEMALA - Tags: CRIME LAW CIVIL UNREST)

Illegal Immigration is an issue where people have opposite opinions. Some people are lenient to the issue and some strongly opposes. People that are lenient wound say illegal immigrants have not done anything to bother them, so why worry about them? Well there are issues in politics that has to be answered. Last week I talked about issues with illegal immigrants in the workforce. In an article from I found something interesting. There is a demographic reason for anti-immigration, according to Illegal immigrants have started chasing jobs in other states than California, New York, and Texas. The population of illegal immigrants in those states has decreased, but this is not a good change in my opinion. The in-immigrants that left have populated other areas of the U.S., and this has caused competition with citizens in other areas.

Not only is illegal immigration a problem with jobs, there is a rising issues with healthcare. Illegal immigrants have brought diseases into the United States. Tuberculosis, leprosy, and typhoid are just to name a few. Tuberculosis was a disease that was under control in the U.S., but has become readily evident around the border, according to This is a problem that could be prevented if illegal immigrants came through examination upon becoming illegal.

Bringing diseases into the U.S. is not the only issue with health care. Should benefits be handed to illegal immigrants? The health care bill recently passed by the house of representatives has propsed providing health care for illegal immigrants. According to, all illegal immigrant women who do not have private health insurance and who give birth inside the United States will have the full cost of childbirth paid by the U.S. taxpayers. Should U.S. citizens have to pay taxes in order to provide health care for illegal aliens? There has been steps to turn this around. states, “The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston is considering denying cancer care to such immigrants.” When it comes to children that are illegal immigrants, there is no slack also. According to, the effort to add illegal immigration children to the State Children’s Health Insurance was blocked in the senate. Is this too far? This could be prevented if illegal immigrants become illegal, so they can purchase health insurance for adults and their children.


  1. Once again I continue to agree with you on your stance about illegal immigration. Everywhere we look illegal immigrants are having some sort of effect on the legal citizens of the United States. Whether its competition on the job market or competition for health care, there is always some effect that takes place and it seems to be a negative one at that. Illegal immigration is an extremely broad topic in itself. I like how last week you talked about the competition in the job market, and now this week you have shifted your focus towards health care while staying on the subject of the effects of health care. I also like how you bring into play two aspects of the health care argument. The fact that illegal immigrants are bringing diseases into our country needs to be stopped before we have a wide-spread health epidemic. Also, illegal immigrants should not be treated like citizens nor given medical hand-outs. Illegal immigration is a crime, so why would we give benefits to criminals. The only problem with this article, that I can see, is a grammatical error. You used illegal when you meant to put legal; however, I knew what you meant so it did not affect my interpretation while reading. Once again, I have no problem with people coming to America as long as they do it legally.

  2. This subject was one I felt was very interesting. I would agree that immigrants who come to this country come legally, due to the fact it could cut down on the amount of diseases being brought to the United States and the less amount of money tax payers would have to pay towards immigrant’s health care. After having a job I realize how much of my money went towards taxes and I always wondered what those taxes were put towards. Your blog helped highlight one of the things tax payers unknowingly pay for. I do believe in everyone having health care more so for an immigrant. They come to this country for a better life and a part of a better life is to live somewhere health to be able to find jobs to work to support you. Something I was interested in was if the number of illegal immigrants in the United States decreases would it also be a decrease in the amount of money taken from tax payers? How does the need and aid of healthcare for illegal immigrants compare to U.S. citizens?

  3. Being the son of two immigrant parents this topic got my interest. Even though they are here legally, I still have family members and friends who are in the United States illegally. That is why I got interested in this blog. I will have to agree with some points you have made in your post, with regards to the diseases that some immigrants might bring into the United States. But the part about the jobs is something very close to me. I have had the opportunity to work with several illegal immigrants, and I am sure it was in a job that not many people want. The job most illegal immigrants go for is labor work whether it is in fields, or in construction. There is an estimated 15 million illegal immigrants in the United States. The reason it is an estimate is because there is no specific number due to the fact that they are illegal. So why doesn’t the United States do the same thing they did in 1986, when they put strict force in finding companies that are hiring illegal immigrants and fining them for doing so. Bu they also gave legalization to people who had been working in fields since 1982. That way all the people who qualified were put in the United States system and could begin to pay taxes. If the United States did that with the workforce there would be a huge impact in the economy in a positive way. Like the blog states if a woman has a kid in the U.S. and they don’t pay for it, then the bill goes to the working American citizens. So why should they have to pay for other kids when the U.S. can just make a process to legalize certain illegal immigrants that qualify become legal in the U.S. Thus this would make them pay taxes for the benefits they are getting already.

  4. To Tommy: I thank you for agreeing with my argument. Im sorry about the grammical error. I was just trying to get my argument across. I'm intrested in the fact that im not the only person in the U.S that feels there should be questions on illegal immigration.

    To dpolk: The need for health care for immigrants is an issue with U.S. citizens because the taxes used to treat these illegal immigrant would be coming from the taxes hard working Americans have paid. This another issue I will be posting about in my next blog. Payroll taxes that comes out of each pay check will be funding illegal immigrants back in Mexico if the bill is passed. These are issues we should wonder about.

    To Manuel: I'm sorry to see what I have said has offended you a little about the workforce part of my discussion. You said you had the opportunity to work with illegal immigrant in a field most people would not want. I was stating since times are hard and jobs are scarce, Americans are starting to take those jobs and there is competition with illegal immigrants. I do agree with you when you said that the United States should use stricker force in finding the jobs that are hiring the illegal immigrants. These are all questions that are brought up in congress today, and there shall be answers.
