In my previous blog about "Girls With No Clothes On!", I emphasized that women who wear provocative clothing have usually been affected by bad media and that because they dress the way that they do they make themselves more targetable when it comes to men that sexually abuse women, however, there are more downfalls to this way of life. It is difficult for a women to get a job when dressing provocatively. It is not likely for a boss or for an executive to offer a professional job to a woman dressing like a stripper. Unless the woman leads a double lifestyle and dresses professional in the workplace and dresses skimpy throughout her normal life it is just not likely. Even in a situation like that if the woman is seen dressing provocatively outside of the workplace by a supervisor or someone above her position there is still a significant chance that she could end up losing her job because whether she is at work or not at work she is representing the company that she works for. Misrepresenting a company is just not tolerated. In the YouTube video, "Cleavage At Work? A New Dress Code for Professional Women", Audrey Nelson emphasizes the ludicrousness of showing cleavage at work while introducing various ways to dress nice without showing to much skin.
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