In my previous blog, I explained the definitons of 3D animation and three dimension. I also stated the advantages, the benefits, and the precious time that is spent on creating three-dimensional items. We all know that 3D used for entertainment and is mostly used to attract viewers. But as I informed you in my last blog, 3d is also beneficial, as said by John Artuo, "The process of 3D modeling allows artists to learn a variety of techniques and forms to create models, animation and even visualizations. As these artists are taught varying techniques, productivity increases as each technique is best for create specific types of the models." This quote indicates that people who use the software, like artistics, generally learns numerous techniques while creating the dimension. But before there was a 3D, 2D was catching attention but as the economy and technology increases, 2D wasn't beneficial enough. That's when 3D stepped in. Don't get me wrong, 3D was invented by William Fetter, in 1976 but it has become so useful by 2006.

They ask why 3D, and why not 2D, what people fail to realize is that 3D has everything that 2D lacks. Starting with the fact that 3D means three-deminsional and 2D mean two-dimensional. Which simply means, two-deminsionals are flat and only very few deepness, features and the overall outlook of the object is pretty much bland (cartoonish). On the other hand, three-deminsional most certainly gives an improved (more realistic) picture of the object, it gives a variety of views. Hopefully your question was answered and you are now aware of the huge difference.

3D has taken some of the stress off of calculations and errors arounf the world. Little do people in the world fail to realize but without the unmanageable complications.
3D has not only, made difficult tasks manageable but has even out the time consumed on animation rather then doing it tw0-dimensional. So not only is 3D catching to the eye, better known as attractive but it is also used towards serious, life threatning tasks and education.
I definitely agree with 3D is taking over everything, after watching that video in class about Sony coming out with a 3D television. Before it used to be that once in a while a movie would be 3D, now ALL movies are coming out three dimensional. I personally love 3D movies more because it makes the characters or scene feel more alive. This summer I seen Toy Story 3D, and I almost cried. I think because it was in 3D it is my favorite oppose to Toy Story 1 and 2.