There is a serious debate arrising around the world pertaining to the usuage of dead peoples body parts. Personally I do not agree with the idea of tampering with dead peoples remains.
If the dead person did not specify when they were living that they were organ donors, then what gives someone the right to use their body? According to Dr.Mastromarino using the deceased peoples body parts was acceptable. The doctor became a corpse body snatcher. He made millions of dollars off of the selling of the dead people. The harvesting of human tissue from funeral homes led the sneaky doctor to face a 18-54 year sentence to prison for the terrible crime. Dr. Mastromarino's point of view was quite troublesome. Some people may say, why does it really matter, is the person not dead? Believe it or not its the fact of respect that shadows the needs and wants for the body parts. Many people around the world are involved in this illegal scandal. Some in it for the money, and some in desperate need of body parts, for themselves.
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ReplyDeleteI personally feel that everyone should be an organ donor of some form. Of course unhealthy parts are unacceptable, but if it means saving other people's lives in the future then it is okay. Stealing parts for money is unlawful and the doctor mentioned in the article should be punished. People who oppose to being an organ donor are simply unreasonable people in my opinion. What are they going to do with the parts after they are deceased? Nothing. I am a person that feels it is only fair to help others even after I am gone. With the consent of the family of course would be awesome, but tampering with the parts are unjust. The body parts are just going to waste away 6 feet under. Personally I would like more facts on what others think of this and if there are any laws against it.
ReplyDeleteThis blog caught my attention with it's picture. My senior year in high school I took an anatomy class. In this class we were required to read the book Stiff: The curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach. This picture was almost the same as the one on the cover of the book. To be honest, it was the most disgusting, yet interesting thing I have ever read. In the book, Roach discusses the use of dead bodies in the past and the present. She has a whole chapter on body snatching in the past. She did not address that it was still being done in the present though. I think it's crazy for this Dr. Mastromarino to go to such links for these bodies. He wasn't even a doctor. He was a dentist. There is constantly a need for bodies as research. In the book, Roach addresses how many different ways these bodies are used. Disecting, criminal evidence, organ and tissue donation are just a few things they can do with them. Contrary to most people's belief, the bodies are not butchered, but taken care of and respected. In one of the chapters, a student was asked how they felt about the body and they actually gave it a name and took care of it like it was their own family. After the bodies are used, some are even given a sort of funeral by the students that used them. It may seem gross to donate your body to science, but you are helping your future family and friends with the knowledge the doctors could learn from your body. After reading the book by Roach, 12 out of 18 people in my anatomy class said they would donate their body to science. If we don't donate, we can't learn.
ReplyDeleteI see your point in the argument of taking dead bodies. Everyone should have the right before death to state what happens to their body if ever they should die. Around the world donors are needed for the decisions of saving their lives. Over 75,000 to be exact. http://ethics.sandiego.edu/resources/cases/Detail.asp?ID=78. It is very hard to find willing donors who match the people in need of a transplant. I feel if you’re dead your body no longer has use to you. After a person is dead their body is embalmed and put into the ground. Those same body parts could be the rare ones that are needed for the 19 people who die on waiting lists a day. http://www.matchingdonors.com/life/index.cfm. The fact that doctor’s with degrees in medicine use this fact to harbor organs for monetary value or themselves is horrific. The need for money is never that great. This fact in your argument interested me the most. I would have liked to see you go more into detail about the bodies that are donated to science and what are the benefits. This site gave a firsthand experience and video to why you should donate your body and what the action of donating it provides. http://socyberty.com/death/donate-your-body-to-science-how-and-why-you-should-do-it/. Your whole argument overall was great and really highlighted an issue that many would not care to read about if they were not put into a life or death situation of their own. Your argument gave me a chance to give a second look into if I donated my body parts would they actually go to a good cause.
ReplyDeleteI believe that if the person did not sign up to be an organ donor then they should leave the person body alone. No matter if the person body is healthy I believe in respecting people wishes and if they did not wish to share they organs that is that persons choice. I do believe that people should be an organ donor espeacially if you are healthy. I believe in giving part in order to save another life. But if you get down to it would you want somebody to take something off or out of ypur body if you did not consinent for them to do so? It is ownership over your body only a person should decide what they want did to their body after death.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same as you in this argument, I feel like the deceased should not be messed with unless they are specifically classified as organ donors. Tampering with human corpses does not even sound humane to me. I couldn't imagine someone using the body parts of one of my relatives to do research or use for experiments.I feel this it is morally wrong and goes against everything that a human should stand for. No person in their right mind should even want to "play with dead people."
ReplyDeleteI feel like all people should be organ donors. i kind of agree with this but kind of don't. yes people should have control over what happens to their body but i feel like if you are not an organ donor that is a selfish thing!! why wouldn't you want to have a chance to save someones life by being an organ donor. you don't need the parts anymore so why not give them to someone who needs them. people don't think about that there are children out there that need organ transplants but some don't get them because there aren't enough. so im sorry to those people who think its wrong to take parts but if it can save a life i say do it.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting blog topic. I've never really heard this subject discussed on talk shows or on the news. I completely agree with you. I don't think people should use dead peoples body part unless they specifically said they wanted to donate their organs or anything else. Although I don't agree, I can see where the person in desperate need of organs and other things is coming from. They may have no other source of wat it is they need.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I think this is a dumb question. Obviouslly it is OK to use dead peoples body parts, if they agree to it. Stealing bodys without the permission of the person is not ok though, and that is why it is illegal. If a person checks off that they want to be an organ donor, then nobody should think less of the people cutting up their bodys.
ReplyDeleteThis blog had me thinking. The title was relevant to the actual text and I read about something I never even thought of! I am torn on what side I am on, but I am leaning to words agreeing with the author. I am an organ donor, but if the next person doesn’t want their body parts to b used then they should respect that decision. Stealing someone’s.iPod or something is one thing, but when you are dealing with someone’s body it’s a totally different thing. On the other hand, if someone’s dying daughter was in desperate need of a heart transplant and they are at high risk of their body to reject a heart, and someone who has just died and their heart was a perfect match to the small girl, I would definitely steal that heart! It’s not like anyone would notice and that young girl could be the next genius and find the cure for AIDS or cancer or could be the doctor that would save my child’s life. I don’t know which side to choose so ill say I agree with both!