As I look around, I have noticed that interracial dating had become a lot more common and respected then in the past years. Of course many would argue that it was once illegal, but even if it was legal in those times it would still not be as accepted as it is today. Interracial dating has always been an argumentative topic. As a nation that was once segregated, this is an awesome improvement. "People are finding people with common interests and common perspectives and are putting race aside," says Knapick, 22, in the article New generation doesn't blink at interracial relationships. Interracial dating seems to be challenging to many but in the same sense, there are many dating web sites that focus strictly on interracial dating, like interracial match. Having web sites that specialize in matching different races, shows that many people are quite interested in dating someone of a different race. After dealing with the looks, stares, and whispering, respect needs to be given to those who make that attempt to be optimistic. The thought of bring home someone of a different race to meet the parents always scares people away from the thought of interracial dating. In life many people let the thought of what others think influence how they feel about someone, but yet have the audacity to complain about not finding that “perfect match,” when in doubt they probably did but was being naive and missed out on the right one. Why would you let the thoughts of someone else influence your happiness?
This is so true in so many ways. Some people are afraid to bring home someone that is not of their race. they are too afraid of their family's reaction. I know that if I brought home someone out of my race, my family would be looking like "Really Sheena, did you really do this?" but I know that they would eventually come to accept it because they would see how happy I am with that person. Also I was reading an article that you could also include into your blog that could really get your point across even stronger, Why Some People Are Afraid of Interracial Dating, http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5440178/why_some_people_are_afraid_of_interracial.html
ReplyDeleteI believe the same ideas.I, coming from a white mother and black father, have been raised to never discriminate from races yet I have seen it so many times. The white kids hanging with the white kids, the back kids hanging with the black kids, yet i've seen the opposite which would be my set of friends, cause we don't think like that. We all have the same likes and taste for fun, we laugh together, we eat with eachother, we know all of eachothers parents. The mixture of my friends are every thing from white, black, hispanic, and asian. My girlfriend is vietnamese and our families have no problem with eachothers race or cultural differences. Ofcourse we were scared to introduce eachother to each of our parents but it wasn't because of race but more so how they would think of our personalities which is more important anyhow. This blog is right on point and the title matches. The added picture has a great illustration for the topic. I'm pleased to see that this blog was easy to follow and many people can look beyond race for "happiness".
ReplyDeleteThis definitely relates to everyday life! I was in high school, and dated someone outside my race for the first time, not only for me, but for my high school. I was laughed at, stared at, talked about, and made fun of - all because my boyfriend was black. My stepdad didn't approve; he tried kicking me out of the house. And my friends left me to find new friends, because I was "ruining their reputation." Now, after I've graduated, it seems like everywhere I go, interracial dating is becoming more accepted. It is wonderful to finally see people being happy because their hearts are being colorblind. In an article I read, a white woman and black man who were married had been bickered at multiple times. Once, a white woman came up them and had the audacity to say, "Keep to your own race." (http://articles.sfgate.com/1998-07-27/news/17726895_1_interracial-black-man-marrying) People who have the nerve to act this way, just because of someone's skin color, have no respect. I believe that no matter the color, if you love someone - be with them.
ReplyDeleteIt is true that in past times if a black man or woman were to interact with another white or black man then it was said to be wrong. Although, times have changed drastically since then more and more people are starting to date outside their race. People have realized that just because you have a different skin color doesn't mean I can't be with you in a relationship. They are just another person like me. Dating a person of another race brings different cultures together, two people who can love each other, and so much more. Yet, a lot of people factor in the bad parts such as stares, family issues, and many others, but if one is happy with that person what does it matter? As long as one is happy with another person race shouldn't be the factor that would cause separation. I myself is and has been in an interracial relationship and I don't see it as a problem. I see the other person as someone who I care about and want to be with. I don't remember when that became such a problem these days. I like to show off that I'm with him because I let other people know that it is okay to date someone outside my race. It is something that I see a lot more today and I am proud to add to it because without him I may never have found someone I want to be with.
Your blog post was a very easy to relate to. Your arguments were clear to follow. Speaking on a personal experience, I was once approach and liked by a Hispanic male and this was my first time looking at someone outside my race as a potential mate. I was a little skeptical as to what I should do to approach the situation. What really stuck out to me that I could identify with were people being afraid of how their parents would perceive them. A lot of times you think about what your parents and friends would say if you brought that person home. Your title represented your blog well. You related a lot of information to what your first line stated. What I expected to see more of were the benefits of being in an interracial relationship. This site really shines a light on having a successfully interracial relationship. http://www.fullerton.edu/universityblues/interracial/benefits.htm.
ReplyDeleteYour question on why would you let someone influence your happiness could easily be explained as influences from outside sources; like family, friends, culture. Such expressed on this site.http://www.fullerton.edu/universityblues/interracial/challenges.htm Question to pose is why do people stick within their race rather than venture out even if that individual has strong feeling towards them.
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ReplyDeleteReading the responses to my blog, it has dawned on me that many people are affected by interracial dating in many different ways. I never thought how it would feel if my parents where in fact different races. Having parents of different races would be quite interesting to me; you would have the better of two different cultures. How do you deal with a parent wanting to kick you out of your home because of someone you chose to date; the question then comes in my head is the relationship really worth it, or do you rebel against your parents actions? Being the person I am I feel as though I would choose to stay with a friend just to show my parent how childish and inconsiderate they are choosing to be. I never really took the time to realize how serious interracial dating could be until I received the comments I did. As I was surfing the web I ran across a video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j30aP2sg2ms, that spoke on how many black females are finding it hard to find a black male in their profession, which is leading them to interracial dating. The cause of interracial dating is never just one answer, but the benefits can be quite positive. Interracial dating can be positive in the sense that, two cultures are bonding, a new culture is being formed, and in a sense a new race is being created. Having relations with someone of a different race is how the world has become as multicultural as it is. Studies show that the world has drastically become multiracial, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30986649/. Some prefer interracial dating over dating within your race, simply because that’s all they are use to. Many would chose to stay to their own race simply because they more than likely would feel a sense of comfort, and they know that they would not have to deal with the issues that may arise from dating outside their race.
ReplyDeleteThis topic is very interesting because as you said, interracial dating used to be looked down upon and now people hardly see it. I believe that because it was illegal back then, it brought up the fact that people were very closed minded on the subject. Love has no color, and instead of people focusing on the color of the two "love birds" they should focus more on their happiness. One may say that interracial dating was put down because of the cultures of the two, but the site http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/interracial-dating-how-do-you-date-outside-your-culture-without-betraying-your-roots-625885.html, explains how it has nothing to do with that. Its the same as being American and moving to Mexico. You don't have to completely change your culture, you just have to adjust to theirs. I also agree that respect needs to be given to those who are bold enough to date outside of their race because there is a risk of you will losing family, even friends behind this decision, but you are gaining love. Relationships should not be built on who accepts your partner or not because like you said, you may miss out on something good. I think your article was great and hope to gain more facts on the subject in your next blog.
ReplyDeleteThe statement "Why would you let the thoughts of someone else influence your happiness?" really caught my attention and I think it was a great conclusion sentence. The reason why this caught my attention was that im always being called the "black-white girl" in my family. And i never truely understood exactly what my family meant because to me, personality does not have a race. And neither should love. Thats why im happy that interracial dating is much more excepted in todays society. Everyone should be allowed to love who they want, the color of your skin should not matter. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said we should not be judged by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character. Love should be judged by the content of peoples caharacter, it should not be judged by what race you belong to.
ReplyDeleteAfter posting these blogs I have noticed more how much interracial dating has impact the lives of many different people. Many times interracial dating just seems to be as simple as dating someone of a different race, but many fail to realize the issues that may arise from it. You can reproduce and have a child that is biracial, how you explain to them that it is okay that they are different from others. One of my friends of the family has a biracial daughter that constantly ask “mommy why am I not the same color as you.” At times, the greater things in life are not seen by the naked eye. Is it fair as a parent to choose who your child or children will date? Wanting the tradition of you ethnicity and heritage to evolve over generation is understood, but is it honestly fair to your child if they find love in someone different than you, no! I read an article called loving in parents shadows, http://www.interracialdatingcentral.com/fyooz/loving-in-parents-shadow/ and this was quite interesting. The author feels as though we incorporate the things in our relationships from the things learned from our parents. Things in the upcoming generations need to be changed; children need to know that it is okay to be different from your parents, or to have different morals than your parents. Interracial dating is something that does not need to be feared, it needs to be expressed more, or the world will remain stuck in the same tradition of life!
ReplyDeleteThis article caught my eye almost instantly. Being half white and half mexican too often have I seen people judging my character before they know me. Some people who I've met seem to feel that because I'm half mexican I can outwork everyone, and work for cheap. Although when it is said in a light hearted manor it's kind of funny because we are all just playing, but when people so it seriously is when there is a problem. I have a few friends who are also biracial, and I've also seen them get turned down by members of the opposite sex because of their race.
ReplyDeleteIn your last response you stated that "it is okay to be different from your parents, or to have different morals than your parents" in this, I couldn't agree more. Overcoming past traditions is the only way to push society forward. The fact is, falling in love shouldn't be race realated. AcWriter101 wrote in their article that "We can't help the type of person our bodies and hearts are attracted to." This is a true statement until we try to force who we want to be attracted to.