Today, women are challenged more than ever to show skin. The media portrays the pretty girls as sexy and almost naked while the girls that are not considered "pretty" by society supposedly go throughout their daily lives fully clothed with their heads hanging down near their shoulders and afraid to speak. According to Sheree Zielke's,"Hoochie Wear: Assessing The Trend of Revealing Clothing for Young Girls", she emphasizes that women receive their views of this "inappropriate" way of dress from "tv shows, movies and advertising". She also asserts that this particular style "tells today's young girls that true value lies in how sexy she can look".
When children grow up learning how to dress and how to act from the media, they grow up without a since of some of the most important morals. They go without learning that the men that are drawn by the attention of their body's are the kind of men that will not last. They go without learning that the people that look at them are automatically stereotyping them as fast, as a person that has no character or as someone who is sexually explicit.
In her same essay, Zielke emphasizes that girls should wear clothing that illustrates their values and not clothes that illustrate their availability. Revealing clothes draw negative energy, negative attention, and negative people. Because many children dress provocatively to seem more mature, it shows that they are immature in actuality because mature women represent themselves respectably.
Although dressing provocatively is disreputable and disgraceful there are serious possibilities that go along with this doing. Avigail Moor,a renown psychologist and expert on violence against women elucidates that women are often sexually abused because of the seduction of their half naked bodies in her essay "She Dresses to Attract, He Perceives Seduction: A gender gap in attribution of intent to women's revealing style in dress and its relation to blaming the victims of sexual violence". Although blaming the victim is not
her goal, she indicates that these predators who categorize these women as easy use their strength to over power them.
Those who want to be respected should dress in a respectable manner. Those who do not care about being respected should not change the way they present themselves. Although media can alter a person view on how to dress, there are also positive examples that represents appropriate attire and way of life.
"Zielke emphasizes that girls should wear clothing that illustrates their values and not clothes that illustrate their availability" If more girls wore clothes according to thier morals and what they actually think they are worth. Society would have no choice but to conform and agree that the girls that actually have self-respect are the pretty girls. As women we have to stop getting our wardrobe from kim kardashian(celebrity who had the most recent sex tape) and the girls next door(Play boy bunnys). We have to be leaders and come up with our own ideas and our own style of dress. I found this blog by clicking on the link bad media and then the picture with the half naked girl was definetly an attention grabber. The picture and the title both corresponds to what was said in the blog.
ReplyDeleteThe Media is a huge aspect to our way of life. it potrays that women should be unhealthy kind of skinny, and have to have a barbie doll kind of face, leaving everyone else in the dust as the unfit. When in actuality the average female is no where near that. A lot of households don't have the needed guidence to bring up a grounded child so often times children look at the media and theses magazines because they want to aspire to be just like these accepted, wanted,"beautiful", succesful women. Sex sells, so the media is going to keep pushing the limits but it's up to us to stand up and say that we don't need to be naked to be beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWomen have been objectified since the beginning of time, although some women stand against it the majority enjoy the attention. For the past five years I've listened to the women around me bad mouth the media and claim that they don't care about the standards the media sets upon women. However every weekend these same women run to the stores buy up designer brands, get their nails,hair and feet done and embark on some new diet that's supposed to help them knock off those ten pounds they gained the week before. why because the media say so because they saw the diet on tv or heard about on the radio. Why complain about something if you just going to be a hypocrite. It's not he medias fault you listen to the garbage they put out its your own.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe the media know's how much affect they have on young girls. At the same time, nobody is forcing these young girls to dress the way they do.By wearing these clothes, females are putting themselves at risk for a lot. This includes rape, and molestation, sad to say. When we as females wear this type of clothing it makes males sexually attracted to us, nothing else. The media will make people believe anything,and if you aren't what they say is "in" then people will try desperately try to get in the "in" crowd. Visa versa, does media affect the way males treat female's? Do males think it is okay to call a female out of her name because of media such as music videos and other things on television?
ReplyDeleteYou make a very good point, in this blog. To this blog better I think you should of looked at the situation in both perspectives, and branch out more. I enjoyed reading this blog, it leaves me thinking, why are some females so gullible to believe everything they see.