When you see a young child having a temper tantrum in a store because they’re parents told them they could not have any candy, how do you think the situation should be handled? Some would say be talking to them and soothing them would be good, some would say completely ignoring them, but what if none of these work? This is when you pull out the big guns: The Hand, The Belt, or The Switch. In my family, there are a variety of uses of discipline, but I noticed with the ones who were spanked were doing better in school and were very respectful to their elders while the ones who were not spanked did not do what they were told, were very disrespectful to any and everyone, and were not as successful in school.
Researchers say that spanking can have good effects when use properly. Most children who have parents who use corporal punishment as a disciplinary tool have more productive lives and have respect for their elders. In the article, “Spanking Your Kid is a Good Way to Discipline”, it says that when only verbal discipline is used, a child get the feeling that they can do what they want and not get in too much trouble about it, and as they get older, they simply lose all respect and do not listen to there parents at all. Although spanking is a good thing, when used too early or too late in life, it can be ineffective. In the studies of psychologist Marjorie Gunnoe, she says that spanking is best effective for the age of two to six years of age. Some studies say that if a child is spanked before the age of two then the child could have development problems and if used too late in childhood, then it can lead to abusive behavior and problems learning in school. This is why i feel that spanking your child is effective, but only when used properly.
In your blog I was hoping to learn if spankings are a good way of discipline. When I was growing up I recieved spankings, but my younger brothers have not. You can really tell a difference between me and them. They are rude, demanding, and always get their way. This blog was really good it really had the evidence to support everything you brought up. The thing that caught my eye about this blog was the title. It really captures what you are going for. The opening made me want to keep going with it because, it reminds me of my younger brothers and the way they act when they dont get there way. The blog does fulfill its promise to readers of what to expect. It has facts and links that support exactly what the writer is talking about. The visuals really added to the blog, they really drew my attention in and made me want to read more of the blog, the blog was very easy to follow, there were no gaps in the reasoning process.
ReplyDeleteI really believe in spanking your kids. In your article you mentioned those children who didn't get spankings and their behavior and its true. You can tell tjose kids who have been properly disciplined and those who have not. But as you talked about in your article the right age to start spanking is important. My nephew is three and my sister spoiled him and would not get on to him then all of a sudden started spanking him when he did something wrong and it confused him, he then thought he could spank too when an adult did something he didn't like.
ReplyDeleteIn reading your title "I Hit You because I Love You," my attention was immediately capture because I was curious to know the logic behind this statement. After reading the blog, my overall thoughts were that spanking your children could possibly be a good way to discipline them. Your argument was very clear and easy to follow however, the pictures detracted from your statement because it showed children screaming because of the "spankings" instead of acting behaved which you told us was the result.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good topic to me, since I find the title very engaging and yet alerting. My mother and father have always told me that the spankings were because they loved me, even though the spankings did not feel like it. I think that without the "tough love" as my parents called it, i would not be the person i am today, and would not have the same morals. That is whats wrong with the children in America today, that parents do not discipline them anymore and this makes the children spoiled. This leads to disruptions with school as well as problems with the law. So to help the future generation out, we need to take off our belts and show the love.
ReplyDeleteYour title definitely fits your topic and both were great. Everything caught my attention and I was really interested in reading about what you had to say and I was hoping to learn about how spankings affect a child’s behavior. You covered your topic very well. Although I strongly agree that spanking your kids is a good way of discipline, growing up around my younger cousins their reactions to the spankings were different. They weren’t spanked too soon or too late but no matter how many times they would get spanked it didn’t matter, they still repeated their bad behavior. At times I wonder what went wrong there. Can a child a be spanked so often to where it doesn't affect them?
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ReplyDeleteI do think that spanking your child when they are misbehaving is a good way of discipline. From experince I as a young child was spanked a whole lot and it made a great impact on my life. It really does make you respect your elders more and not to act out in school and other public places. So by all means parents should spank their children it will pay off in the end.
ReplyDeleteSomeone in my earlier comment said that their cousins were spanked and it was ineffective. Dr. Gunnoe said that spanking should only be a tool of discipline, if it is is not used properly, it could have some devastating effects on a child. If used the right way, it could mean that your child could be more repectful and have a better future.
ReplyDeleteThe title, "I Hit You because I Love You", really explains the meaning of your blog. I have heard many parents say that phrase when asked about "spanking" their child.
ReplyDeleteWhile reading this blog, I thought about how I was raised versus my younger cousins being raised. It is a major difference to a child being physically disciplined whether than verbally disciplined.
I am not saying that a child should be spanked every time the parent does not agree with the way he is behaving. Often, when a child misbehaves, the child may really not know that it is inappropriate. Therefore, the parent should explain to him why his behavior is not acceptable. However, if the child does know, then physical discipline should be performed properly.
Discipline goes a long way. Discipline develops respect in the child. For example, I observe my older cousins that were physically disciplined, and I observe the younger ones that were not spanked. It is easy to distinguish between the two at them. Something so little as to the way that they approach their elders is different. The older cousins approach them with respect and as an elder. On the other hand, the younger cousins approach them with disrespect and as if they are friends. Based on the little actions, a person can determine the way a child was raised.
Remember, spanking a child has its disadvantages. http://www.askdrsears.com/html/6/t062100.asp. The website explains 10 disadvantages of "spanking" a child. Therefore, what does it truly take to improve your child's behavior?
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ReplyDeleteSpankings may be a good idea for some children but i dont think it is for everyone and their children. I as well as some of my friends didinot receive spankings and we turned out to be just fine. Its more than just the discipline you give to your child its the guidance and the example you have set for them as well.
ReplyDeleteI feel that there are many different ways to disiplane your child. In the article nnjiu, it says this is the last resort punishment there are many different ways to avoid “the whipping”. many people do use this wrong and sometimes the actual end result is beating. Spanking is very effective only when used appropriately.
ReplyDeleteI feel that spanking your children is effective when used properly. I was spanked when I was and although I hated it when it was a kid, I am very appreciative of it. I felt that I was the only one who thought so, but after doing this research I found that many people also feel the way I do. I will use this tool for disciplining my children in the future