Is women considered equal in America? No they are not. In the article Women's Less Than Full Equality Under The U.S. Constitution by Partrica Ireland. Ireland whose the former president of NOW (National Organization for Women). In her article it talks about how women equality in America goes back to the constitution. Ireland points out in her article how in the constitutions 14th amendment states, “ equal protection for all under the law”, it says for all but in the second section it states “male citizens”. This shows from the get go how women equality wasn’t an ideal in our country’s goal. In America a woman can have the same job as a man and still get paid less. In Evenly Murphy, former Lt. governor of Massachusetts, and E.J. Graft, resident scholar at Brande’s Women’s Studies Research Center, article gender wage gap: are you paid as much as a man if he had your job it states, “a woman only earns 77 cents for every full time male dollar”. This shows how males are still considered dominant in America. Women have came far from the beginning but, can a woman get the same opportunites as a man!!! It isn't an man's world anymore.....
I don’t neccsarly agree with this article. In today’s society it always seems that men are always the bread winners in the family. That however is not always is true. Men have also taken the roles of stay at home dads. According to CNN’s article there are at least 39 different jobs in the United States where women make more than men. The top job in which women made more than men was as a sales engineer. In that particular job the women made 43 percent more than men. The salary difference is also based on your job location. In an article about Women Who Earn More Than Men – And the Men Who Resent Them!, women who stayed in New York generally made 17 percent more than men.
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Women Who Earn More Than Men