How many of you ladies are in love or have ever been “in love?” How many of you have been hit or beaten by the “love of your life?” That is a hard question to ask and even a harder question to answer. No girl wants to admit that she is in an abusive relationship but there are more abusive relationships out there than any of us really know. According to ACADV (Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence), about one in three high school students have been or will be involved in an abusive relationship, and 40% of teenage girls ages 14 to 17 say they know someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.
The abuse doesn’t always come physically, it also comes verbally and emotionally. Growing up in a household where there were abusive relationships puts everything into another perspective. Many people ask why do you stay? Why do you let him do that? What are you doing to fix it? And why are you letting it keep happen? These are the questions that I asked in my own home. Various answers come pouring out like “I want the relationship to work,” “I stay for the kids,” and “there is nowhere to go.” Many women believe that they are responsible for fixing all the problems in the relationship and that the abuse is normal because their friends are being abused too. What women don’t realize is that they are not alone, there are several shelters and people to help. Safeplace: Florence and 2nd Chance: Anniston are just a couple of shelters in Alabama that work with ACADV. The underlying question is when is enough, enough? When does it all stop? And when do you need help?
Every Woman has that fear of being abused when they enter a relationship. They only hope that it never comes to that point. For those that are put in that situation its a tragic ordeal. Many women make up those excuses listed above and they are sorry excuses. Women should know their worth and being abused is not letting a man know a woman's worth. Allowing yourself to be bruised everyday on the regular is not o.k. Where is the power? All in a man? No, last time I checked woman are just as powerful as men. Where is the respect? He doesn't love you. Any man who decides that they can lay their heart down and raise their hand to a woman is not a man at all. What makes a women not understand that Lifetime doesn't play all those abused women movies for nothing. That its not going to get better. So when is enough really enough?