Fraternity’s membership at Valdosta state university has taken a serious hit. The number of students to rush a fraternity this year was almost half of the amount in previous years. Fraternities, Greek life administrators, and alumni all question the reason for the sudden decline in membership, but the solution to the issue is quite simple.
Fraternities now need to break the stereo types that they are associated with. They need to break away from the "Animal House" references, and the hazing horror stories. The word fraternity should not have a negative connotation, but rather represent the organization you are a part of. Fraternities can first achieve this new reputation by expanding membership. Many don’t rush, due to the fact that they feel they need to dress a specific way, come from a wealthy family, or have a biased point of view on Greek life in general caused by the things they've heard.
Fraternities need to make it known that there society doesn't require any of these things, and that pledge ship is based on brotherhood rather than bank account. Communicating openly with freshman about what they have heard and what is actually true would have a serious effect on the number of student to rush.
The most important stereotype that must be put to rest is the issue of hazing. Students are wary of any organization where they could be humiliated or possibly open to ridicule from their peers. Addressing and denouncing hazing could entice new prospects to each fraternity.
Fraternities are not always what they seem. However, preconceived notions are out there. If Greek life wants to increase membership and diversity in these organizations they have to strike out the stereotypes from the past and create a new idea of what Greek life really is.
Fraternities could also focus on their philanthropic endeavors. Showing outsiders and the community that these societies could be good for the area in which they live. Broadcasting the hard work could change the way people understand Greek Life and possibly applaud what fraternities stand for.
ReplyDeleteAnother way greek life could increase membership is by getting more involved in university activities. By showing students that fraternities are not worried about exclusivity and that they are open to participate with other organizations on campus, they could become more involved with events planned and hosted by Valdosta state. If fraternities could take advantage of some of these opportunities, they could slowly but surely increase the amount of students that rush next semester.
I completely agree with what your saying. Everyone only sees fraternities as just party animals which there not at all. A lot of my friends are in fraternities and they actually do a lot of good things for the community and their philanthropies. They should definitely let people know especially potential pledges that hazing and partying is not what Greek Life is about at all, that they actually stand for brotherhoods and sisterhoods and make a bond with people that are extremely strong and can't be broken.
ReplyDeleteI compltely agree with you. Faternities are portrayed as doing nothing but living the party life. Its partially the Media's fault because in the movies this is all that they do. They rarely show them doing community serivice, helping out the community, having good grades, or standing for something that they truly believve in. Greek life has a job of showing that the party life isn't everything they stand for.
ReplyDeleteWith all of these new ideas in place, hopefully fraternities can increase membership. They could also add a formal rush to the spring semester to give students another chance to become involved in Greek Life. The most important idea though is to educate freshman to what Greek Life really is and really means. Put the rumors to rest and promote a hardworking and philanthropic Greek experience for students.
ReplyDeleteI agree fraternaties have a steroetype that needs to be corrected. I am in a sorority and have been around fraternaties and they are not bad guys. There are many things a fraternaty can do to banish the stereotypes! Promoting their philanthropies is a very good idea and there are many ways to do this! around campus you see sheet signs about different sororities philanthropies but you don't see ones for fraternaties.