But when one individuals attains so much power, they tend to take advantage of the people they have power over. People who are in church( or people who have religious beliefs) appoint these religious figures and give them complete power over thier lives. I personally will not give anyone or anything full power over me (except for God, thats just what I belive in). But everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.
A prime example of an authority figure abusing his power is bishop Eddie Long. Bishop Eddie Long was allegedy accused of seducing multiple teenage males into sexual relationships,according to Jonathan L. Walton, the assistant professor of African-American religions at Harvard Divinity School. http//www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/09/27/walton.bishop.long/index.html
In the CNN article above Bishop Eddie Long delivered long sermons expressing how homosexuality is wrong in Gods eyes. Yet though the Bishop supposedly bought these young men gifts with all the glamorous things his wealth, POWER and status could bring. Shame!!!
Do all individuals take advantage of the people they have power over? While I can't speak for everyone,I can speak for myself and say that my pastor or anyone else hasn't taken advantage of me.I think there are some pastors out there that use their power as an advantage over their flock. I agree that only God has full power over me because I know I have to go through him, not the pastor, to get to heaven. You gained my attention when you brought up the Eddie Long case and how he preached about homosexuality being a sin in God's eyes and then seducing young boys by buying them gifts.In the Ihttp://www.gossipjackal.com/huh/2010/10/07/will-bishop-eddie-long-scandal-flock-stands-by-their-pastor-pictures/ website, it talks about his numerous encounters with young men and one of them also commented to the media about him. If he was really a preacher he would know that homosexuality is a sin and that it could lead you to hell, but instead he turns around and does the opposite of what he preached. The title and the picture is the perfect fit for the information in this blog. The argument on this subject was very easy to follow and there were no gaps in the reasoning process.
ReplyDeleteRecently from where i live I had got some bad news regarding the Pastor Eddie L Long of New Birth Baptist Chursh and it was very disturbing. There have been many notions that pastors preachers and popes are taking advantage of their positions in their community but it is not being brought to justice. They are as regular as everyone else in our communities and just as someone normal would had beeen accused and have justice be brought to them the same should happen with theses "higher beings'.
ReplyDeleteIn response to E.J question “Do all individuals take advantage of the people they have power over?” , All individuals don’t take advantage of the people they have power over, but some do. And it’s just sad that people with religious beliefs invest so much time, in the people they appoint to guide them, and in the end the religious figures disappoint them and take advantage of the power that is given to them. In my first blog, I only spoke about Bishop Eddie Long. But truthfully speaking Bishop Long is only one example of the corruptness that’s part-taking in churches today. Recently a deaf victim came out about the sex-abuse he endured while attending St.John’s School for the deaf and now is trying to sue Pope Benedict XVI (also known as Cardinal Ratzinger). According to editor Scott Bronstein, Kohut(alleged victim), was repeatedly molested and raped by Father Lawrence C. Murphy (According to the CNN article http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2010/09/23/deaf-victim-of-sex-abuse-is-suing-pope-and-going-public-with-his-story-for-the-first-time/?hpt=C1) Pope Benedict (Cardinal Ratzinger), ignored and dismissed the allegations of rape and molestation, after numerous of cases was brought up against the Father Lawrence. Father Lawrence had allegedly, sexually abused over 200 deaf boys, and as long as he could go to the confessional and confess, all he did was forgotten. The pope knew that there were numerous amounts of allegations and lawsuits filed against the Priest (Father Lawrence), and he did nothing but try to protect the church from being scandalized. I feel as if the pope allowed many disabled boys be abused in order to make the Catholic Church look good. The church meant more to Pope Benedict XVI, than the people who gave him power to be the pope. Because without people like Kohut, believing in the Catholic Church Pope Benedict would not have a job!
ReplyDeleteI am a Christian also and I do not look down on other people's beliefs or religions. I believe "to each his own". Regardless of what your religion is though, another human being should never gain so much authority or admiration over your life, that you are "down for whatever" and not think for yourself.
ReplyDeletePastors have been to school for biblical studies, just as our english professor went to school for english studies, but you still have to do your homework and read your bible for yourself to get to know God and do your english homework to pass this class. Each one is a teacher.
As far as Bishop Eddie Long is concerned, I have never been a fan of his but also have never thought bad of him. I know we are in the times of "If it's printed then it must be true" but we are still in America where we have the presumption of innocence....Remember innocent until proven guilty? Bishop Long, from what I have read, has not been accused of a crime, but is being sued for sexual coercion. http://www.gossipjackal.com/huh/2010/10/07/bishop-eddie-long-update-the-sheep-stick-with-their-shepherd-photo/
Growing up in the Baptist church and reading the bible like it was a magazine, I'm a pretty educated Christian. Humans are not perfect but they are responsible for their actions. Pastors and Ministers in churches around the world are only human, It's your choice to believe what they say, or either find out for yourself. Bishop Long is supposed to be a man of God. It's not up to any one to judge him. He knows the truth and the alledged vicitms know the truth about what happened. According to the website http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20019311-504083.html Bishop Long is facing charges that involve sexual allegations, who knows if they are true or not? We probably will never know!
ReplyDeleteIn retrospect, no matter how much power people allow religious figures to obtain, at the end of the day, only we should have total control over our lives. The reason why people appointed Religious figures to lead was to guide them spiritually. But allowing one person to guide you spiritually does not mean you have to give them total control over your life. Religious heads are in the church to give their followers an interpretation of a specific biblical text. (Biblical text meaning whether it’s the Holy Qur’an, The Bible, The Vedas or the Eightfold path)(http://www.thebigview.com/buddhism/eightfoldpath.html) As the congregation of this specific religion, the people can listen to the religious figure interpretations, but what they say does not have to be set in stone. We are all made with brains of our own, everybody has the ability to read and interpret a biblical text on their own. In saying so why do people allow these religious leaders to have complete reign over their lives, when we all have the brain to make our decisions? Those of us who have religions shouldn’t allow one person to dictate your way of living. Interpret and decide for yourself, what a certain text means and take the religious leaders interpretations into consideration.