As I mentioned in my both of my previous posts about the hazards of laptops-on-laps, laptops have been reported to cause "toasted skin syndrome", also known as erythema ab igne or "redness by fire."
To counter this threat, I have found a few obvious solutions. First of all, ensure that the vents on your laptops are clean and able to receive and exhaust air. Therefore, do not block the vents by placing the laptop on pillows, or fuzzy blankets; instead work with the laptop on a desk, or other hard surface like a book. Though, it is probably best to invest in a cooling pad in the near future. Secondly, DO NOT use it as a laptop. I cannot stress that enough. Lastly, if you’re not using the laptop, turn it off. By doing this simple task, it will help preserve your battery and keep it from overheating. Also, a laptop can still overheat even in sleep mode.
All in all, laptops are not true to their name in being placed on the lap. Laptops can cause "toasted skin syndrome", also known as erythema ab igne or "redness by fire." It is generally harmless but can cause permanent skin darkening. In very rare occasions, it can cause damage leading to skin cancers. Also, men who used laptops on their laps had elevated scrotum temperatures. In fact, hot laptops have been found to increase the temperature of scrotums up to 35 degrees above the normal body temperature of 98.6 degrees. If prolonged, that kind of heat can decrease sperm production, which can potentially lead to male infertility.
In other words, let's keep our laptops off of our laptops from now on!
This article is very interesting. I never knew that by placing a laptop on things such as pillows can really damage the laptop. Do the customers actually sue the laptop makers due to the overheating. I believe most men aren't aware of the damages that laptops cost. If laptop makers know the affects or damages of the laptop maybe oneday they can prevent this from happening.