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Friday, October 22, 2010


In the United States, oil companies have already gained permission to drill in many different places, so why harm ANWR? Where else could you find caribou frolicking or beautiful scenery as you would in the ANWR region? I know America spends a lot on foreign oil, however, why should our government’s problems have an effect the natural habitat of Alaska’s animals.
While I still stand against destroying the environment for oil purposes, I understand that oil is necessary for our planet to survive. Though there are many alternative ways being created to fuel cars, the process is taking a long time, and many people aren’t taking advantage of the alternatives.
While continuing my research relating to saving ANWR, I came across a blog written by Sheryl Canter, who shares the same viewpoints as I. What she also opened my eyes to was the fact that ANWR’s total amount of oil would be nothing compared to the 21 billion gallons of oil that Americans burn daily!
Another problem with drilling is the fact that oil use is considered one of the leading causes of global warming. Supporters of drilling in ANWR obviously do not understand the harsh ecological consequences, or are too selfish to care. Overall, ANWR, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, should be saved considering the fact that it is a “Wildlife Refuge!”

1 comment:

  1. Your blog really gain my interesting being I had to do a previous project dealing with Alaska Natives and their way of life. One thing that differ me at first was there was no photo to go along with the title or what the article was speaking about. What I was confused on until reading the last line was what ANWR is? this site elaborated more on the history behind what this organization was and their mission. The main argument of saving the refuge was a valid point in the amount of consumption of oil Americans use. A question I would have posed would be was, what would be a/an better alternative(s) to using other sources instead of oil; or what would be a better place to drill oil without affecting Alaska” wildlife? this site really breaks down the issue behind oil being drilled near the wildlife and better alternatives.
