Being gay is something that should be accepted. Being gay is in fact, okay! It's something that they are born with, like hair color. However, you can try to change it, but it's still there. There's alot of talk about God punishing those who are gay. If this is the case, why would He create gay people to begin with? He didn't create homosexuals to feel miserable and alienated in this judgmental world. Gay people are humans, just like everyone else- so they should be able to do things normally that everyone else does as well. Homosexuals should be able to wed and shouldn't be judged for their sexual orientation. I don't see anyone discriminating against straights, so why discriminate against those who prefer same sax. It's not a crime to love and be happy, so why should gays be treated as if it is??
According to a website, there are to-date 19 states that ban gay marriages: Alaska, Nevada, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Nebraska, Missouri, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas and Alabama.
Same sex couples enjoy all or some state rights and benefits with respect to marriage in Vermont, California, New Jersey, District of Columbia and Connecticut. In Hawaii and Maine, however, domestic partnership laws may provide for some but not all benefits.
Why aren't those 19 states allowing gays to wed? Is it because they fear homosexuals? Or maybe it's because they are selfish and inconsiderate to the feelings of human beings who happen to have different beliefs. Gay marriage should be allowed in all states, it's our freedom of religion that we fought for! Just because the judicial system may disagree or deem gay marriage immoral, does't mean that is it.
I'm a straight woman who supports gay marriage, gay couples, and gay pride. There are plenty of other individuals who feel the same way. Homosexuals should be treated equally, fairly and they need love too. The gays are proud of their orientation, well, at least they should be. Get over it! Stop hating ans start loving!

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