The current recession that America is facing has put the middle class under brutal attack, with new casualties everyday. The dream of a good career and raising a family in a good neighborhood, is no longer within reach for many Americans. Middle-Class neighborhoods were viewed as "incubators" for the American dream, according to the Washington Post report "U.S. Losing Its Middle-Class Neighborhoods".
A large percentage of former middle income Americans are now living in poverty. Many of them are having problems dealing with their reversal of fortune. "It's very sad," said Maria Chavez, who was a middle-class citizen a year and a half ago. "I cry sometimes because I don't want to come here for food", she said as she tried to find dinner for her family at a local food pantry.
This CBS report states that the recession and slow recovery are causing the Chavezes and many other Americans to slip into poverty.
"The most important anti-poverty effort is growing the economy and making sure there are enough jobs out there, "President Obama said Friday at a White House news conference. He stressed his commitment to helping the poor achieve middle-class status and said, "If we can grow the economy faster and create more jobs, then everybody is swept up into that virtuous cycle."
Who is at fault for these grim prospects? Some would say the U.S. government, while others would say that greedy CEOs are to blame. Many will argue that it's due to bad personal financial decisions. Is the American dream now just a facade or can we overcome these obstacles and continue the pursuit of happiness.
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