female, and a child. Nowadays, it is becoming more and more common to see same-sex marriages surround society. Homosexual marriages are becoming increasingly acceptable. Many people believe that gay marriage is wrongful or considered a sin, but many also believe that marriage should be a sacred commitment between two individuals who are in love. Nobody should be denied the right to wed based on sexual orientation. Individuals, based on some scientific research studies, are born gay and can't help the way they are. Others choose to be homosexual, which is their way of living, which should be acceptable. Then again, most gays are determined by a hormonal switch! Nobody wakes up one morning saying, "hey I'm going to be gay and be discriminated against." It's something in their hormones that tell them to behave they way they do. Nobody should refuse the right to wed, no matter gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual preference. Denying homosexuals their right to wed is minority or reversed discrimination.
Gay marriage has it's advantages and benefits. The number of adoptions would increase dramatically, reducing the number of foster kids and orphans. This is a good look because many male-female households have children out of wedlock and there are many teenagers who have kids and neglect them. Gay couples seem to have a genuine commitment to raising a loving family because they cant produce with one another. Gay marriage should be allowed mainly for the aforementioned reason. God's intention of marriage was supposed to be between a male and a female. Really, marriage should be between two lovers, regardless of sexual preference. . . as long as it isn't between objects! P.S: Love Makes the World Go Around.
The issue of gay marriage has become a big issue in the United States over the last few years. The debate over whether or not to legalized gay marriage has become a heated argument. Some arguments have been that, God didn’t want it to be this way that’s why he made women and men. Which includes reproduction and that it isn’t right because they cant reproduce. So the major opposing arguments seem to be based off of their religion , which the majority are Christians. So if the homosexual couple aren’t Christians is it okay for them to get married since they don’t have the same beliefs as Christians? Why do we have freedom of religion if we just want everyone to conform to what we believe. Yes, the constitution states that marriage is between a man and a woman , but are the people allowed to change the constitution? We have to focus on happiness and not judge those different from the majority. Love is Love.
ReplyDeleteHomosexual couples, just like any other human being, should have a right to wed. Arguments based on whether it's holy or religiously correct is ultimately up to the couple. It's okay to do whatever you want, as long as you don't harm anyone else- and being a homosexual and married isn't doing any harm to anyone. Indeed, the constitution states that marriage should be between a male and female, however, the constitution can change. Hence, it's already been 27, but only 17 recorded changes in the constitution to better the people of the United States. Happiness is essential in life and I agree, we can not judge those who differ from our sexual preferences.
ReplyDeleteGreat article Marcia, you made a good point by stating that adoption rates will rise, but many people do not find that to be a good reason to allow homosexuals to wed. Very few people acknowledge the fact that our adoption here in the U.S. will most likely sky rocket. Most people are focused on what they were taught as children, which is the ideal family consists of a mother(female), a father(male), and children.
ReplyDeleteI agree that nobody wakes up one morning and say that they want to be and be dicriminated against in the world. Being gay is said to be in the mind and hormones as one is born into the world, they were just conceived in the wrong body and now they are trying to live out their "sexual" expectation.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this article in every way. It’s not like you can help who you fall in love with, if the person is the person you want to be fully committed to and you want a paper and party to prove it then go on!! I feel that people are worrying about the wrong thing when it comes to gay marriage, while the government is stuck on telling people who to marry, they could be worried about all the children who are starving out on the streets, or trying to help get all these murderers, rapist, and burglars who have not gotten punished yet. Why get in someone’s personal life when they are doing nothing to hurt anyone and there are way more important things to worry about. And then, what happened to the separation of church and state? It seems like this is heavily dislike by mostly Christians, do people not realize there are other religions who do have marriage, and also excepts homosexuality? I see no point in the government to be worried about something that is not going to hurt anyone. If someone wants to get married, then let them do it!