I'm sure many individuals have heard of or seen a hybrid car and thought to themselves "hey I need one of those, gas prices are sky high"; however these vehicles are not what they appear to be at all. Although there are many positives about these cars, there are plenty of downsides to these "small gas saving cars."
A few of the pros about hybrid vehicles, as indicated on suite101, are 1) the most obvious it saves on gas, which also reduces the amount of pollution in the air. 2) They perform better in cooler weather than gas powered cars. 3) People that purchase a hybrid car receive tax incentives . 4) Also some insurance companies, such as Geico, will offer discounts for hybrid drivers in some states.
The many cons that come with the hybrid cars are: 1) they are far more expensive, than non-
hybrid cars. 2) You ONLY save gas if you are a careful driver; for instance if you accelerate too quickly, the gas engine will kick in, this will eliminate your gas savings. 4) there is a high risk of being exposed to a high-voltage battery or its wires during a crash, which was brought to my attention while reading a Buzzle Article. 5) most importantly, some insurance companies will not cover hybrid cars because they are more likely to need repair because that are still fairly new. Now that everyone has been exposed to what a hybrid car really is, are they still worth buying?

When I first went to get my first car, I thought about getting a hybrid car. Its was during a time when gas prices were at an all time high and being that I didn't have a job I needed a way to save money. They run smooth, are very quiet and eco-friendly, but the down side to me is that hybrid cars are very expensive. Most of the time you have to get a hybrid car right out of the factory, which means you have to pay for a brand new car. Should saving the environment at the top of everyones list or is trying to stay above water when money is hard to come by today more uimportant? Being eco-friendly is the big thing today. "Save the Planet" or "Plant a tree" but as a college student I'm focused on the present more than 100 years from now. Will the hybrid car eventually pay for itself with all the tax incentives and low rates on insurance?
ReplyDeleteWhile you have given the information that hybrid cars are not as good as they are said to be, your cons of hybrids seems to be from the actions of the driver. I think you have good informatin on the positives, evidently true facts, but the cons are lacking in which they mostly come from the choices of the driver. you chose a title retaining to your words, which is good .If the driver wishes to waste gas by pressing on the gas hard then that is the driver wasting gas, not the car itself. If you drive the car as it is supposed to be driven then you will obtain your money's worth. I was expected to see more cons of the vehicles, of some are the costs of battery packs when they need to be replaced which is around 80,000 miles and some cost $5,000 to $8,000(http://www.allhybridcars.com/hybrid-car-problems.html)! Your pictures go well with the blog and I like your choice of topic.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the above post. But then again, any car can be a gas saver, based on the driver. Just as Quentin said, the more you accelerate, the more gas you burn. So, the effectiveness of saving gas is based on how you maintain your car, i.e. proper air pressure in tires, rotated tires, proper oil changes, proper gas, and proper acceleration. These factors could save you money down the line, versus having to but a more expensive brand new eco-friendly car. Eco-friendly cars are nice to have for a quick moment, but once things start going downhill, it's even more pricier than the car to keep it maintained.
ReplyDeleteThank you Quentin, I completely understand what you mean by saying the cons that I have posted are completely due to the driver's actions. I will go into more detail in my third post. Thank you for providing a source where I can find cons based on the car itself.
ReplyDeleteDemetress and Marcia, your question and statements leads to my second post. There has been many studies that confirm that hybrid cars will indeed pay off along the way, some in as few as six years, but there have also been some studies that say these cars will not pay off.