Let's be honest, how many times have you driven down the road and was stuck behind a slow moving car? You immediately have to stomp on your brakes to keep from hitting the car. That's when you realize it is a little old lady or man just poking along on the road. There is a required age to recive your driver's license and I feel that there should be a limit on the age when your license can be revoked. There are a lot of older people
that can barely see or hear, but are quick to get behind the wheel of a car. According to an article, Older Drivers, Elderly Driving, Seniors ar the Wheel, "Research on an age-related driving concerns has shown that at around the age of 65, drivers face an increased risk of being involved in a vehicle crash." Their reflexes and response times are at a slower rate. They don't realize all the harm and danger they are putting themselves and others in. There is a joke from a website that supposedly interput the risk elderly people but themselves in. In the joke the old lady thought that the high way signs were the speed limit signs. This right here should be evidence enough of why we shoul "get granny from behind the wheel".

I agree that elderly drivers can be very annoying to get stuck behind, I'm a speeder so I'm quick to go around them. Often my family calls them "sunday drivers." My grandma in her late 70's crashed into a nail salon building because the sun was blocking her vision causing her to drive straight into the little store. Needless to say she got her license taken away. This was one of the saddest moments for her because she loved to drive. I believe that if the sun wasn't obstructing her vision she would have held onto her license for a few more years. Just because older people are driving slow doesn't make them a hazard though. I know lots of older people in their 80's even who are in great health and take stairs two at a time. Why would we take their license away just because they drive slow. Older people still need a way to get around so why take away their car just because we are annoyed when we get stuck behind their "sunday driving." My dad is 65 but he still plays softball for the church league, goes running every morning, he runs his own business and manufactures his own products. According to the article you refered to they said by the age 65 reaction time goes down but my dad got in more accidents when he was younger than he has in his older years. I can't imagine if the goverment decided to take the licenses away from those who reach the age 65. It would ruin my dad's life.
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ReplyDeleteElderly drivers are true enough annoying to everyone. However, what truly makes them annoying? Is it because elderly people drive the speed limit and younger people would rather speed?
ReplyDelete"Get Granny From Behind The Wheel"? No. Elderly people have to get around just like everyone else does. For example, in Riverdale, Georgia, where I am originally from, the public transportation has been terminated. Therefore, elderly people now have to take it upon themselves to go places, especially if they do not have any other sources to depend on. I know many elderly people that drive "slow" and have not contributed to the fatal accidents on the road. They drive the speed limit and with caution to avoid causing accidents. Many of the elderly drivers try not to drive on busy highways and during conditions, such as raining, when they know they will not be able to drive at the best of their ability. According to the Older Drivers, Elderly Driving, Seniors at the Wheel article, "as age increases, older drivers generally become more conservative on the road. Many mature drivers modify their driving habits (for instance to avoid busy highways or night-time driving) to match their declining capabilities".
It is mentioned in the blog that there is a required age to obtain driver's license, and there should be an age where the driver's license should be taken away. This should not happen. If anything, the driver licenses should be taken away from the elderly people that constantly cause accidents. In addition, elderly people should have a fair chance at driving just like everyone else does. How would you feel if elderly people wanted to alter the driving age? What if they imposed that we drive too fast, and because of that, the driving age should be higher?
As I was looking trough the blog this one caught my attention. The reason being, that I am faced with elderly drivers whenever I am driving. According to helpguide.org people 65 and older, are more likely to be seriously injured or even killed in a car accident, than teenagers. Therefore, why should they risk their lives while driving? It should be no surprise that the older people get the harder it is for them to see. There are a lot of people that need to wear glasses while driving. This means that glasses could solve problems for people that have a hard time seeing, which would help them if they are driving. The only problem is that when someone gets there license they can pick to get it for up to 10 years. And why would you get it for 10 years, I mean no one likes to wait in the long DMV lines just to get your license renewed. So if when anyone turns 21, they go and renew their license they can get it for 10 years. That means that they will renew it again at 31, 41, 51, and 61. Well that seems like something that should be required and it looks like there is no problem. But in fact there is, because according to dds.ga.gov the Georgia Department of Driving Services is required to do a vision exam to people 64 and older. But if someone gets their license renewed at 61 they don’t need to again until they are 71. That means that they could develop a type of vision problem and they could remain driving and not wear glasses. That is why I agree with an age limit to have peoples license removed when they reach 65. It will lower their risk of dying. It will make traffic much smoother, and it will lower any type of car accident. Anyways, why does a 65 year old person need to drive? At that age they should be retired and relaxing at home. Their kids or grand kids can give them a ride if they need it, or they can request a taxi, or senior transportation. That would be the best solution to elderly people accidents.
ReplyDeleteThe URL for the helpguide.com information: http://www.helpguide.org/elder/senior_citizen_driving.htm
The URL for the Georgia Department of Driving Services:
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ReplyDeleteWho is it to say a person is to old to drive? The main problem a younger driver have with a elderly driver is that they go the correct speed limit. Elderly people have to right to be on the rode just as a person that is sixteen. A person put they self at risk everyday when they get in a car. It is more likly for and teen driver to get in an car crash than a old person. A elderly person has way more training on the rode than an eighteen year old.
ReplyDeleteThe picture you provided in your blog was eye-catching. I see no problem with your blog, considering keeping elder drivers off the road would save them, as well as other drivers, the risk of a car crash. The age of 65 seems a little young, but once an elder person has reached the stage that they cannot see well or hear, they should stay off the road. For the safety of others, there should be an age requirement for elders as there is for teens.
ReplyDeleteI definitely feel that after a certain age, elderly people should have their license taken away but ONLY if they show signs of not being able to handle what goes on behind the wheel. A few years ago I knew an old man who went for a drive and then completely forgot what he was doing and had an accident. But I also know my grandma who is 76 and still drives great. There should be several aspects that go into deciding whether an elderly human being is capable of driving or not.