If you’ve never heard the term narcissism then I guess it doesn’t apply to you but it does apply to millions of others. “Narcissists are people who think they're pretty great. ... They think they're more attractive, more intelligent, more unique and entitled to special treatment," says Lauren Buffardi. The number of Facebook friends and wallposts that individuals have on their profile pages correlates with narcissism. Out of my six hundred friends half of them can be classified as narcissist. Facebook provides narcissist with a profile they can customize to fit their real personality, but make it better. Have you ever logged on to Facebook and your news feed was cluttered with one person posting whatever comes to his/her mind every 2 minutes? Who really cares that you’re hungry? I know I don’t. Was it necessary to post this online? You could have used that time it took to go and get something to eat instead of assuming that everyone cared about your hunger. I along with my friends created our own Facebook pages to keep in touch with each other and to be able to see the changes each of us went through during our time apart. Facebook has become a place where people showcase everything about their life. Those narcissistic enough to believe that everyone cares what they have to say end up expressing too much. It has gotten so bad that people will go home and slander their place of work online, that’s why employers periodically check their employee’s social networking pages. Twitter has also become a place where narcissit gather and satisfy their needs. Some specialist believe that Twittering is the perfect setup for narcissist because its a constant update of who you are. "Nobody would twitter if they had a strong sense of identity" says, clinical pshchologist Oliver James. Are you a narcissist? Checkout you Facebook and twitter pages and see what you got floating out there in cyberspace.
Narcissistic people tend to care more about what other people think of them, rather than caring for other people. Social networking has not only caused some people to become narcissist, but it has helped them stay that way. You can tell if someone is a narcissist if they use social networks such as Facebook in a "self-promoting way"(http://psychcentral.com/news/2008/09/23/social-networking-ids-narcissism/2988.html). I do believe that social networks do contribute to the increasing amount of narcissistic people.