Men. Imagine yours. Is your best friend your best man? Maybe it is your little brother? Are you still a little drunk from the party the night before? Are you marrying the woman of your dreams?
Why does it seem that only heterosexual people can have their dream weddings? What about the homosexuals? Shouldn’t they deserve their dream weddings also? Because, it ruins the idea of the American family or it’s amoral? Well luckily for homosexuals, the idea of same-sex marriage is becoming more popular.
Sadly, as of right now there are only five states and one district (Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and DC) recognizes same-sex marriage. These married couples even receive state-level benifits.
Stanton Peele predicts that republicans will eventually accept same-sex marriage because the support is rising every month. In his article The Last Gay-Bashing Campaign?, he starts off with how former president George Bush’s last campaign it effected Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. After the campaign Romney established himself as a major anti-gay voice. Even though the state’s Supreme Court decided to allow gay marriage, Romney tried to pass an amendment to ban it. Of course this amendment wasn’t passed.
I’m sure even if Romney’s amendment was passed it would have ended like it did in California. Even though they passed a law legalizing same-sex marriage in 2008, they banned it again at the end of the year. Now, finally, the Supreme Court says the ban was unconstitutional and overturned it. “California ‘has no interest in differentiating between same-sex and opposite-sex unions.’”
If California could the role model for the rest of the states against gay marriage, that little girl can have her dream princess wedding in a church with the girl that she loves and the little boy who had always dreamt of marrying the man he loves on the beach can do so.
I am in total agreement with this blog. Who has the right to take away someone's dream just because they aren't attracted to the same sex as the person in high authority? I feel that everyone should be held equal. I could have sworn that we were past the "separate but equal" old school type society. Well aren't we falling back into history if we don't allow same sex marriage? Government allows gays to live anywhere they want, buy whatever they want, use all type of public transportation, and even have any type of career. Yes, in this case we are all equal. Only when gays want to share their life together just like any other couple is it problem. Our government doesn't seem to see it like this. but we are the land of the free?? "H" no!! We are the land of prejudice and discrimination. http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_hate.htm