Why can’t two people who want to love a child be able to parent them? Oh yeah, because being gay is morally wrong they will be teaching the children to do wrong as well. False! Heterosexual parents can teach a child wrong doings as well. Currently Florida specifically bans gays and lesbians from adopting. Claiming that gays and lesbians were child-molesters, Bryant was able to convince state senators to vote for a ban on gay adoptions (http://lesbianlife.about.com/cs/families/a/adoption_2.htm). Just because someone is gay, does not make them an evil monster. In fact, scientific studies have shown that children who grow up in one or two-parent gay or lesbian households fare just as well emotionally and socially as children whose parents are heterosexual. Studies have shown that children are more influenced by their interactions with their parents, than by their sexual orientation (http://lesbianlife.about.com/cs/families/a/adoption_2.htm).

Children that are waiting to be adopted do not care that the awaiting couple is gay. What they (the children) are looking for is simple, it is love. They are looking to be cared for and protected. There is no legal reason why gays and lesbians should be denied the right to adopt children. The law only hurts children waiting to be adopted and deprives loving parents who would care for these children (http://lesbianlife.about.com/cs/families/a/adoption_2.htm).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_parenting#Same-sex_marriage explains that In January 2008, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that same-sex couples have the right to adopt a child. In all U.S. states except for Florida, unmarried LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) adults can petition to adopt a child. Granting the petition is left to the discretion of a judge.
So what do you think? Is it wrong for a gay couple to want to help a child, to want to teach the child what love is and give them a home, something in which they probably do not even remember what feels like? Or do you agree with me and few others on the fact that, gays are normal people and are not aliens, and should be treated accordingly?

Mother. Partner. Homosexual. Student. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Monster.
ReplyDeleteI identify with all of the words above except one. Monster is not something I can identify with nor do I have the power to make someone else identify with such a label. Being a homosexual does not make me a bad parent. I was going to list all the things I do for my son and with my son, but those things do not make me a better parent than a person that is heterosexual and is a mother or father. I love, teach, and admire my son. I do not do these things because I am a good parent. I do them because I care about his well-being. Without a doubt, I know that all parents do these things as well, but like most people parents are human and make mistakes along the way. Homosexuals are not monsters. Homosexual parents are not monster, and aren’t going to screw up today’s youth any more so than heterosexual parents.
I did my blog on the effects on children with gay/lesbian parents; of course, the effects are just as you found children of homosexuals excels in ways that heterosexual children do not. Also, I heard on talk radio the other day that homosexual couples alone surpass heterosexual couples by far. Do you think that the heterosexual community feels threatened by these points? Do you think these can be some of the reasons why they are holding back the homosexual community?
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ReplyDeleteI think the title of this blog is very striking. It drew my attention to the topic. I was able to follow the argument in your blog also. I think your visual pictures were connected to the article well. I think this topic is something that needs to be discussed today. As a liberal, I believe we should live and let live. I think gay couples should have the right to adopt children because everyone else can also. Their sexual orientation should not have a thing to do with it because kids all over the world, in adoption agencies, want a loving home. According to Both Sides of the Issue, in your article, older children and those with special needs are especially hard to place. Children who fit this category are in foster homes right now with gay and lesbian parents who want to adopt them. If there are gay parents who want to adopt kids that need these homes, why not give gay parents these rights? The Florida court systems trying to ban theses rights are ridiculous. According to Care2.com, a Miami appeals court ruled 3-0 to uphold a lower court's ruling that Florida's gay adoption ban is unconstitutional. Banning the rights of gay parents is the same as saying, “Because you’re black you can’t vote.” This is not showing fair practice of the constitutional amendments among gay and lesbian homes. Homosexuals are not the only ones that can teach bad habits. I agree with your statement: Heterosexual parents can teach a child wrong doings as well. Do we ban heterosexuals also? Do you know if Florida is the only state that has banned this, and what parts of the U.S. are having this issue?
I saw the name of this blog and it immediately caught my eye. I was hoping to learn more about gays and adoption and I did. The point where the author says, “ children that are waiting to be adopted do not care if awaiting couple is gay. What they (the children) are looking for is simple, it is love” this point I agree with completely if someone wants to save a child from the horrors of being in a foster home and they have the money to do it then it shouldn’t matter if they are gay or straight. The problem the government has with gays being “child molesters” is highly overrated, in fact “most children are molested by their family members or close friends.” (www.childmolestationpervention .com) This would mean if gays couldn’t adopt kids, then no one can! This whole blog was very well put and I agree that everyone should have a chance at giving a child a better life.
ReplyDeleteLike I already stated on your blog, NO, you are not a monster and you DO NOT have any reason to be considered as a monster. Just because “others” are uncomfortable with your state of being gives them no reason to see homosexuals as monsters, but sadly, they do. In addition, you are right about not being a bad parent. Of course, you are not, at least not from just being homosexual. We even have the facts to prove it (http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1994480,00.html).
One thing though – “Without a doubt all parents do these things.” We cannot technically say ALL because I know of many cases where they do not. (I have learned a lot this week being that my school is observing domestic violence right now). However, that is besides the point we are trying to make here. =).
I am starting to get the feeling that you think that I myself think that homosexuals are monsters. I do not. I am speaking of others who are so homophobic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophobic). I see absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuals, they are (you are) human just like me!
In addition, about what you heard on the radio; I believe it one hundred percent. I believe that homosexual couples can teach their children compassion and care a lot easier than heterosexual parents. They (the homosexual parents) know what it is like to be treated like nothing because of their sexual preference. They can teach their children to love people no matter what type of person they choose to be.
Yes I do believe that the heterosexual community could feel a tad bit threatened by this. They (heterosexuals) are superior to gays, and maybe that is why they just do not want to break even with homosexuals. Stubborn, I know, but it happens. Heck, it IS happening!
First I will start by saying thank you for all the compliments! I also feel that this needs to be discussed. No one really thinks about these kinds of things until they are approached with them. Like myself for example. It never really crossed my mind until I began looking for a blog topic. Once I saw it, I knew it was the one. I felt it would be very controversial and indeed, it is. I have been asking some of my friends and even random people this question . . . some of them are for it (like us) but the majority of them completely blow up about this subject.
I am very excited to hear that you agree with EmDeMar and me on this subject. I think that you made a very good comparison to not allowing blacks to vote. My question is WHY? What would be so unconstitutional, unethical or so morally wrong about the both of these issues?
No, I am not sure if Florida is the only U.S. state that has banned homosexual adoptions, I will try to find more information now and I will post another comment when I have found something.
Thank you too for the positive comments. I am also happy that I got yet another person to agree with me! Why can’t everyone agree? I really do NOT see what is wrong with homosexual couples adopting children whom need a home.
I like the point you made from the site www.childmolestationpervention.com.
Again, thank you, I really gave this blog my all.
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ReplyDeleteWhen i was reading through the topic's of blogs your title caught my attention. Monsters wow! I personally do not stand for gay marriages but in no means do i think they are monsters. I feel like a child should be raised by both a mother and father and im not supportive of gay adoptions but i don't think there monsters.I do think adoption agents should be mindful of who they let adopt children because in my eyes even if its love its still not ethical. I though you did a good job of expression your argument. Your title was a good way to get people attention and your pictures added great insight to your blog. I think you chose a popular subject that offers many arguments in todays society.