People should be able to marry whoever they want to when ever they want as long as it makes them happy. Why are people getting mad? It is not like they are getting mad. So what is all the commotion about? Every person is equal in his or her own way and have a certain preference. If many cannot agree then there should be a vote. Homosexual couples should have the same rights that everybody has seeing how we all go by the same laws. The first amendment states that a person's religion must be protected. Religion is the main reason all this commotion of gay marriage is going on. If people choose to be homosexual then others need to respect their decision and let them live their lives. If a person knows that they want to support same-sex couples let them do it. Some people that are fighting against it are just following other people and do not even know why they are fighting. Everyone deserves to be happy and if the person they are with is making them happy then they should be together. The only thing that really matters in a marriage is love.
According to stateline.org, numerous states have changed tbeir laws regarding same sex marriage. Not only does this affect domestic partners being together for the rest of their lives, but it also effects the recognition of same sex couples as well. Eventually, same sex marriage would approach each state in making a decision. But more than fifty percent of the U.S. (United States) have reached the conclusion that they do not want to legalize gay marriage. the reason being is because most believe that this is a heterosexual nation and should stay that way. What they fail to realize is that ten percent of Americans label themselves as homosexuals. This can be accurate only referring to the ones who have admitted it, most do not mention anything because of people's reasonings and state laws. Under the first amendent, an American citizen has the freedom of religion, press, speech, etc. So why are homosexuals excluded from this amendment? Same sex marriage is just another way for gay/lesbian couples to express their love for one another just as heterosexuals do. Referring to gaylife.about.com, the 2000 census told us that there are 105.5 million households in the USA; 5.5 million of these consist of unmarried partnerships. Of these, 595,000 consist of same sex partners. This can be interpreted as there being nearly 1.2 million gay people living with a same sex partner in America. Same sex couples and marriage is gradually increasing in each state, almost everyday.
ReplyDeleteI chose to read this blog because the topic of "gay issues" is very interesting to me. I myself am not got, but it is really intriguing to me how there are so many people that are against homosexuals and what they choose to do.
ReplyDeleteOverall, I understand where you are coming from in this blog. However, there are a few things that confused me:
1. "Why are people getting mad? It is not like they are getting mad." -- Who is they? Is it the "people"? And if so, I would be even more confused.
2. "Religion is the main reason all this commotion of gay marriage is going on." -- How do you know? Did you read this somewhere?
3. "Some people that are fighting against it are just following other people and do not even know why they are fighting." -- Same question, how do you know for sure?
The title does explain the topic, but the opening was not as bold as it could have been. I kept reading because I have high interest in this topic, but I do not think that someone else with less interest in gay issues would have taken out the time to continue reading the entire blog.
Same thing with the picture. It does support the blog, but does not draw attention to the reader to make them "want" to read the blog.
Your argument was fairly easy to follow. Like I stated before (the 3 questions), those were the main things that tripped me up while reading your blog.
I am a pretty laid back person. I do not care what goes on in the lives of other people. But one thing I can not shake is that some states are against gay marriages. That is no ones business what they do and if they want to marry each other. Same sex marriage may not be normal but who are we to judge? I say if it's not dealing with you, then why are you trying to deal with it? It is nobody's right to say whether or not it is okay for gays/lesbians to get married. I also read that most states do not ever want to legalize same sex marriage. Terrible terrible. I know this is my opinion and it happens to be something I feel strongly about. Do you think the states are wrong for not letting same sex marriage occur?