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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Death of Chocolate: A Case for Bio-Engineering
Cocoa pods -wikimedia commons |
Same Sex Marrige

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Women .vs. Men: Who's Better?
Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT)

Plastic Surgery
For some people, looking in the mirror is the hardest thing to do. Many people are always pointing out the flaws on themselves and over looking the natural beauty they have but may not see. As technology has advanced, so has the medical field. From television shows to magazines, it is very clear that doctors can manipulate the way people look. Plasic surgery is becoming more and more popular and demanding then ever.
Televesion shows could be the blame. Shows like "Nip Tuck" and "Doctor 90210" give viewers (who may be intrested in having plastic surgery) an idea of how the procedures are done. This may make the viewers feel more comfortable and help them make their decision. Plastic surgery is done to those who are uncomfortable or don't like how they look.
Some people who become "plastic surgery junkies" may have BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder). The mental disorder is in people who are obsessed about the way they look. They tell themselves they only have flaws and may suffer great depression due to the dislike of their image. Does plastic surgery possibly egg this on? Since it is so easy to go get plastic surgery, maybe people are starting to notice their flaws a little more. If it can be easily fixed then why not, right?
Should gay couples have the right to marry?

Marriage is a sacred event held between two people that are in love. So why should it matter what sex the individuals are in order for them to have to right to get married? Today's society has changed greatly compared to fifty years ago. Tattoos, peircings, clothing, woman in job fields, hair styles and more have all been on a path of being more accepted than they were in earlier generations. Gay marriage is still a heated issue though. Yes, gay marriage was not even an option to consider back in the day, but why is society still at a stand still when it comes to this issue? Most peoples arguments against gay marriage is a result from their religion. In an article by Steve Waldman entitled "A Common Missed Conception" a poll based on gay marriage is discussed and showed that "the opposition to gay marriage and homosexuality is highest among the most religious."
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Should contraceptives be distributed in highschools?

Most teenagers think premarital sex is okay as long as its done within a loving relationship. With that said teenagers start believing they are in love as young as fourteen.
Students are brainwashed by their peers into thinking that sex is love and vice versa, when all in all sex could very well cause an unwanted increase of the human race. Many schools have decided that contraceptives should indeed be passed out in highschools. Not only that but there are parent groups pushing for the distribution of contraceptives to reduce the amount of teenage pregnancies each year.
Though there are plenty supporting the idea there are just as many refusing the idea. Every minute of refusal from parents is another son or daughter closer to having sex and having and unwanted pregnancy. There are 6 million unwanted pregnancies every year in the United States which accounts for eighty-seven percent.Many efforts have been made to educate youth about sexual activity and birth control, but what else can you tell a raging hormone infested hard headed teenager?