In my previous blog posts, I discussed our dependence on technology and the possible effects on our future generations. Because we have become so accustomed to technology, sometimes we fail to realize the extremes we have taken it to. According to Psychology Today, technology addiction is considered a new form of compulsive behavior. While typically when you think of addiction, you think in terms of alcohol or drugs. In a research paper published by Clinical Journal of Psychopharmachology by a psychiatrist at Tel Aviv University, stated that Internet addiction be on par with extreme conditions such as gambling and sex addiction. A technology addiction is clinically described as some one who prefer encounters with technology(Facebook, Surfing the Internet, Texting, etc..) over human contact. While technology has greatly benefited us, many people have substituted it for face to face human contact. This only leads me to fear the effect of this and our dependence on the generation to come.
What caught my attention when looking at your blog was the picture. The title and picture goes hand-in-hand. I completely agree with you when you say "...we have become so accustomed to technology, sometimes we fail to realize the extremes we have taken it to..." I constantly see this occuring in everyday life. I think you delivered your information well and presented us with good evidence.
ReplyDeleteAutomatically, your picture caught my eye like others. Depending on technology is becoming a greater threat to this planet and people addicted to these "robots" are even younger these days. Those that "prefer encounters with technology over human contact" are losing grip as to what's going on around them. I agree with you fully on this subject, because we all need a wake-up call about what's happening to this generation.
ReplyDeleteThe picture of the children with phones caught my eye to reading the rest of the article. I agree with your statement, on technology "Because we have become so accustomed to technology, sometimes we fail to realize the extremes we have taken it to." The way children and parents are today, we put technology in front of human relations, claiming technology is an easier way to deal with things. Technology is creating a barrier for people everywhere. Many people have become addicted to the internet, checking email and facebook too many times throughout the day. In an article http://patersononline.net/potm/2009/01/26/extreme-dependence-on-technology/ the author states, "The problem with EDT however is that ironically it strips us of our core humanity: the ability to express feelings through communication." People do not realize the damage of technology dependence causes.