Is our generation too dependent on technology? Its hard to imagine life with out mp3 players, TV, cell phones, Internet, or other technological necessities. Technology has become so attached to our everyday lives it seems we would be unable to function with out it. In a poll conducted by Fox News "Almost half of personal computer owners say they can't imagine life with out computers. About as many cell phone owners say the same thing about their portable phones". While technological advances certainly make our lives easier, you can only help but wonder what are the future effects of our dependence. For example, many people don't know how to read a map because there are GPS to feed us directions. If there is something you don't know how to do, most peoples first instinct is to 'google' it. And how many times do you use text messages to avoid talking to someone face to face? Situations like this only raise questions about whether our dependence on technology is good or bad. If all of our technological necessities were to one day disappear would we be able to survive? After all, just take a second to think about how much in a single day you use technology. If our generation's lives have become this absorbed with technology you can only imagine whats in store for the next generation to come.
This blog makes perfect sense, but at the same time what makes you think we can't survive? Before the mp3, television, cellular devices, we were living life as if these inventions would never be seen. If all technology was taken away don't you think we would regress in life but still survive? I mean we have lived without these inventions and as humans we are able to adapt to any type of environment and situation. Is there a possibility that we won't be able to cope with our loss of technology?
ReplyDeleteI completly agree with you. People have lost the ability to talk to each other face to face because they are so usued to texting or sending emails. This is going to affect us when it's time for us to go for interviews. People have lost the urge to go do things on their own because technology has mad everything way to easy for us. Pretty much everything that we need is at our finger tips. For example, entertainment you have MP3's, television, and radio stations, communtication you have cell phones, email, istant messengers, and for direction you have GPS. We have become entirley to dependent on machines and eventually those of us who still like to be outdoors and live life aren't going to have anywhere to do it. Nature is being depleted and i wish we knew how to stop it.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is so true. I am completely addicted to my cell phone too. If it breaks I feel like I'm lost. Kids these days are getting cell phones when they are too young to even know what to do with it. My younger brother had a cell phone when he was around the age of nine and I think that is just a little too young. And I have a question about this situation... Is it true that some of these technologies cause physical damage to our bodies also? Can you get carpal tunnel syndrome from sending text messages and can laptops hurt your legs if left there too long? Overall, I feel that this is a big issue and It should be controlled in some way before it gets even more out of hand.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree with this blog. My phone and my i Pod touch are my priorities. Once my phone is lost, my contacts are too, out of 200 contacts in my address book, I only have 5 contacts remembered. Yes, it's sad but true. As the years increase, the use of technology increases, there is nothing that can be done. Technology helps manage and understand varieties of problems. You can say technology is a sort of "short cut", instead of searching for a book, you can read it on the internet and instead of exercising manually, we use exercising machines. People are also out of jobs because of technology, robots and machines are increasing. The use of technology can be beneficial and can also be harmful, but the pros out way the cons.
ReplyDeleteSo many people cannot live without technology, including me. "Almost half of personal computer owners say they can't imagine life without computers. About as many cell phone owners say the same thing about their portable phones" (Maya Hayes). If I did not have my cell phone I would go insane. How did the older generations survive without our technology? In a way they may have had it better than we do. Children today have horrible communication skills and are very alone. They have their television, computers and video games to communicate through and without them they do not know how to interact with the rest of the world. Later generations may not even have a face to face confrontation with the way our technology is advancing.