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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Skateboarders = Dangerous Athletes

As noted in my first post, I provided much information that proved that skateboarders are very dangerous athletes. They endure daily challenges that test their abilities as professional and street skaters. Even though there are many dangers, that didn't stop me from deciding to skate.
There were many fair, argumentative, key points made in the response to my blog. Overall, the argument was, "Would this sport be as dangerous if everyone wore the proper protective gear?". My answer? Yes, skateboarding is still a very dangerous sport. Regardless of the amount of protective gear, skaters are still able to fall in the wrong position and/or injure parts of their body that aren't covered. The reader stated that the careless injuries that I mentioned in my first blog could be avoided by having more skateboarders wear protective gear. Though, the truth is that many of us are not willing to do that. According to a retrospective study done by a district hospital in the UK, the distal radius was the most common fractured bone and most skateboarding-related injuries happened during the summer. They also found that out of 50 patients, most of them were males under the age of 15. The results explain how the protective gear takes away from the "dare devil" aspect of skateboarding.
I feel as though skateboarding is a constantly evolving extreme sport that will continuously catch others eyes. Yes, there is much practice needed to master it and to not make careless mistakes. Yes, it's fun and helps with meeting others with your same interests socially through skating. Yet, no one is to ever under estimate the power of skating. No one knows how badly some skaters are treated by police and other city officials. Just see! It's in the name. This guy has been harassed and has even gotten a "skateboarding ticket" for not wearing a helmet at a skate park. Well, we'll save that for another day. Just keep in mind that us skaters have a right to this sport just as any other sport. Who cares if some of us don't wear helmets? It's our own fault...whatever the result is.

1 comment:

  1. Skateboarding has always been interesting to me. I could see how it would be a very dangerous sport. The tricks that some people attempt are very hard and dangerous. I have respect for people who attempt to to skateboard and do tricks. More skateboarders should wear helmets and use better protection to keep themselves from harm.
