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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Effects on Children With Gay/Lesbian Parents

Healthy children are the product of healthy parents, right? Although most say, “yes,” we all know that there is a silent, yet known disclaimer regarding the parents that are raising these children. The disclaimer states that whatever is witness through out life that homosexual parents are not suitable people to be raising children. While keeping that in mind, what makes a healthy parent or better yet what makes a healthy child? I believe that in many eyes the definition of healthy differ from one family to the next. Identifying what is healthy within a family is much harder than pointing out what we as individuals view as negative or lack of a better word unhealthy.

Through out my research, children with homosexual parents do no worse and in some cases better with life developments in comparison with children with heterosexual parents. These data is so outstanding in nature that the researchers have begun studying the parents themselves, BEFORE they where actually parents, to distinguish if they are actually going to be “good” parents. A psychologist by the name of Paul Cameron who strongly opposes gay parenting states within the article, “Gay Parents Good for Children?” that homosexual parent do not do well because they have more partner changes, more drug abuse, and more history of missing work. All of these issues work together to make a homosexual parent less suitable. Ok, folks side let’s take a minute to discuss these points. A homosexual person having more partner changes than a heterosexual person? This is simply ludicrous, because I can do a survey on the Valdosta State campus and prove that the partner changes are somewhat equal between homosexual and heterosexuals. Regarding the issue of homosexuals having more drug abuse than heterosexuals, I am almost positive drugs do not discriminate and pick and chose their users. The more history of missing work is almost laughable. If anyone reading this has children think back to when you didn’t have children work was far less important then, am I right? It does not matter if you are gay or straight when you have no “real” responsibilities going to the beach with friends is way more fun than working at a job that you absolutely hate and do not necessarily need. His opinions are taken seriously though and was even published in a journal, but I can I point out that the Psychological Reports is a journal, in which authors have to be pay to be published in. Do I have to mention the Psychological Reports is the journal that Cameron was published in? I’m sure you picked that up.

The psychologist above viewed negative or unhealthy behavior as frequent partner changes, drug addiction, and job-hopping as characteristics of homosexual activity, and this results in lack of parental competence. I view this as negative and unhealthy behavior for most people that are young and inexperienced. Also, I believe many people will agree that being young and inexperienced does not exclude you from doing anything including being a parent. Live life, make mistakes, and gain respect, then if you so fancy have children. It’s the best and healthiest feeling the in world.

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