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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

3D Rules the World!

Over the past few years, 3d animation has become very useful and popular. Everything is in 3d: tv shows, movies, commercials, games, you name it. Creating 3d animation takes plenty of time and concentration. In 2009, 3d was highly acknowledge by the movie Avatar, this movie gave 3d animation numerous of publicity, critics and viewers were raged with the satisfaction of the movie. Well, they do say everything is more desirable in 3d. I wonder is that true. Lets think back, in the elementary days, when we first learned about different shapes and sizes. We got to learn the difference between a circle and a sphere. In reality, three-dimensional objects like: a sphere is used more often, it can be rolled or tossed, on the other hand; when you see a circle it is either drawn or/ is a flat other words, boring! The excitement of bringing something to life is a plus, it grabs everyone attention.
The invention of 3d animation has made numerous and varieties of tasks a lot manageable, problems that were troublesome are now uncomplicated. There are countless of advantages of 3d modeling and animation; animation captures attention, and presents accurate information. For a perfect example, learning how a car engine works has become less confusing, 3d videos etc, helps takes the difficulty off an assignment. Three-dimensional modeling and imagery allows you to visualize in great detail exactly what an object will look like before it's built. It can then be evaluated for strength, fit, mass properties and aesthetics. Being able to view an object at different angles gives the viewers a greater understanding. 3d modeling allows you to view the product before building it, that will help eliminate a malfunction or error. With all this said, 3d animation is the reason why the year 2010 is awesome. 3d animation, modeling, movies, shows etc. are not only entertaining but beneficial. Stay aware because everything will be in 3d sooner or later.

1 comment:

  1. The 3d virtual world has made improvements to the not only television, but to the work force. These improvements include work in all areas of work such as computers, mechanics, medicine, art, and architecture( 3d allows you to "view an object at different angles" and see how things work. 3d is a great thing for the work force, but is it such an amazing thing for television? According to "Buy a 3D TV Now or Wait," the longer we wait the less expensive the 3d televisions will become, the more movies and shows that can be viewed, and the more time there is for new technologies to be developed(,2817,2365010,00.asp). I believe that the 3d world should take its time to develop into every house in the world. Yes "everything will be in 3d sooner or later" but in my eyes it should be later than sooner.
