Nowadays unintentional pregnancies among the teenage generation has increased an skyrocketed and 20% of female freshmen have dropped out due to pregnancy. http://liberalforum.org/liberalforum/index.php?/topic/23895-why-we-should-dispense-birth-control-in-schools/
Distributing contracteptives in highschools can bring this to a stop. Teenagers are going to do what they want to do regardless so why not cut the pregnancy rate while they are still in school? More will graduate teenagers instead of parents and they will be Std free.
Most teenagers think premarital sex is okay as long as its done within a loving relationship. With that said teenagers start believing they are in love as young as fourteen.
Students are brainwashed by their peers into thinking that sex is love and vice versa, when all in all sex could very well cause an unwanted increase of the human race. Many schools have decided that contraceptives should indeed be passed out in highschools. Not only that but there are parent groups pushing for the distribution of contraceptives to reduce the amount of teenage pregnancies each year.http://www.businessweek.com/debateroom/archives/2009/07/schools_should.html
Though there are plenty supporting the idea there are just as many refusing the idea. Every minute of refusal from parents is another son or daughter closer to having sex and having and unwanted pregnancy. There are 6 million unwanted pregnancies every year in the United States which accounts for eighty-seven percent.Many efforts have been made to educate youth about sexual activity and birth control, but what else can you tell a raging hormone infested hard headed teenager?
Most teenagers think premarital sex is okay as long as its done within a loving relationship. With that said teenagers start believing they are in love as young as fourteen.
Students are brainwashed by their peers into thinking that sex is love and vice versa, when all in all sex could very well cause an unwanted increase of the human race. Many schools have decided that contraceptives should indeed be passed out in highschools. Not only that but there are parent groups pushing for the distribution of contraceptives to reduce the amount of teenage pregnancies each year.http://www.businessweek.com/debateroom/archives/2009/07/schools_should.html
Though there are plenty supporting the idea there are just as many refusing the idea. Every minute of refusal from parents is another son or daughter closer to having sex and having and unwanted pregnancy. There are 6 million unwanted pregnancies every year in the United States which accounts for eighty-seven percent.Many efforts have been made to educate youth about sexual activity and birth control, but what else can you tell a raging hormone infested hard headed teenager?
Children should definitely not be having children.