Even though I definitely see all of the points everyone made and they were really good ones I still stand by what I said about euthanasia not being a good thing. The doctors and nurses that perform the euthanasia are not God. God is the only person that chooses when someone is suppose to die and how it's suppose to happen. Also, the point that was made about the animals I can't really agree with. Animals even though are very, very dear to my heart are not the same as a human. My dog was sick for a while and the vet in our town didn't really know what was wrong with him but never really did anything about it, he kept getting worse and my daddy took him to a vet in the town next to us and they did blood work on him and found out that he had cancer and it was really bad. They put him to sleep immediately and I didn't know anything about it and didn't get to say goodbye to him. Even though that was a really sad part of my life and I miss my dog very much I just can't see that being the same thing as if that was happening to say my grandmother.
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